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#mmorpg #NevernesstoEverness #NTE
Which mmorpgs are the most popular in 2024? That’s what we set out to talk about in this video. No opinion, just facts. we compare Google analytics to estimated active player populations to give you all of the most played mmorpgs right now, from least popular to most popular.
In this video, we’re going to take a look at the top 15 most played MMOs in 2024, based on active players. This list includes some of the most popular MMOs out there, so be sure to give them a try if you’re looking for a new game to play!
Whether you’re a gamer or not, this video is a great way to see which MMOs are currently standing out and attracting a lot of players. With so many games to choose from, it can be hard to decide which one to try. But with this list at your disposal, it’ll be much easier!
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05:28 WIZARD 101
11:11 RUNESCAPE 3 (RS3)
12:50 GUILD WARS 2 (GW2)
16:51 LOST ARK
25:30 FINAL FANTASY 14 (FF14)
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Black Desert Online I can't find information to the contrary so it must still use the randomly leveling up your stats it used to. I have the WORST luck in the universe and hate any and all games with too much RNG chance as it takes me about 1000 years longer to grind. So until they change that it's a dead game to me.
Guild Wars 2 dev's are freaking amazing. Best support I have had bug report something they fix it in like a few weeks to a few months tops. Worst customer service ZoS who banned me for reporting a "made up and clearly fake bug" because of how insane sounding it was. I love ESO and played it for a few years and it was my main MMO but gold road does nothing for me I'm a role player. I want new pve guilds to join, new weapons added so I can create a role play accurate character, and even new classes and races. I want housing slot increase and the dev's have made it clear they don't give a shit about me. GW2 is my current main mmo I play and FF14 my sub-mmo. When I see something added to ESO I want to play I'll be back. The stories have become extremely boring and formulaic and zone design too. Last good zone I loved was Blakckwood and Deadlands. Eons ago.I foresee GW2 only increasing in popularity and surpassing ESO soon it's dev's added spears SPEARS! I have been asking for spears to be added to ESO since Oblivion it's been over 30 years. I ask the dev's in GW2 and they add them in like a year or two after becoming a popular suggestion.
The MMO's of today just don't give me the same feeling of accomplishment and interaction with the community as Asheron's Call did. MS had a great thing going. Developers would spawn special bosses in game and play as them. Plus the monthly updates with content. It was strangled by Asheron's Call 2 and then MS sold it I believe. Still alive but not what it used to be.
I'm literally playing Cabal Online in mid 2024
Only Online MMO I have found that I like so far is eso and have played it for years
Does Warframe not fall into the MMO category?
Does final fantasy 14 new players friendly? Or I will be always bullied?
I looked up Albion online and it looked like a completely different game from whats shown in the video. Am I missing something? Lol
I guess trove must be dying that much that its not on this list, truly sad.
I don't think FFXIV is a MMORPG. I play it currently (completed MSQ) and with all that instanced stuff it is more a OJRPG for me then a MMORPG. And beside that I think the game is massive overhyped. The lore isn't that good as everyone says. I was hoping for a good lore like in Final Fantasy 7 but the lore comes not even close to lore masterpieces like SWTOR, TESO or LOTRO.
lots of great games. Lost Ark would be my go-to if it was on console. its just not as easy for me to hop onto my computer to play for long session unfortunately. and also why im excited to try throne and liberty and re-try New World.
I just want wow to be good again.
The only thing I liked about ffxiv was savage and ultimate raiding. Other than that, there’s nothing else to do in the game (ye you can socialize, but every game has their social circles)
Wish they offered more content that was fun other than raiding. And no I don’t care about the boring grind fest such as bozja or eureka. They need to change pvp and make the rewards worth grinding, make solo content that’s current such as wow delves
I think Final Fantasy 11 deserves to be on the list.
Glad to see ESO coming back up the ladder it's really a great game. I primarily play WoW TWW, but when I need a break, I always go back to ESO.
What about dcuo?
FFXIV is the goat.
Ty for including what devices support those games bro! Rwally helps
If you have eve, oblivion, bdo, I think Aurcus should be on there with a few thousand also. I understand it’s not the fan base it was before but the new players are still coming sometimes by the groups. Even new mmorpgs don’t have knockdown or are not auto target. It’s easy to level and action packed.
The way is going I think osrs will out perform rs3 in the next year specially with all the updates coming up like varlamore part 2 expansion it’s actually kinda lit lol
Wizard101 coming to console btw
seriously maplestory….. kinda already 20 years. lol
whats game in thumbnail?
calling rs3 a "modern staple" immediately discredited EVERYTHING you've said throughout the video. maybe consult discords, or actual players of a game before script writing. osrs sweeps rs3 as a "staple" and likely sweeps maplestory in that graph you showed.
can somebody explain me why nobody ever mentions Tibia… one of best mmorpgs ever…. still running… and having more players than many of these games????
i guess Tibia isnt on Steam so it doesnt exist, watched so many this mmo experts video nobody ever mentioned it
GW2 <3 , but my mount expired soo, I'm moving on….haha
They are never going to make the type of multiplayer I'm craving.
Freaking hate questing. Hate crafting dynamics that take all day. Love gathering but only if there is a decent payoff. Hate npc's bla bla bla bla bla. I love pets you get from the wild. I love breeding dynamics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate cozy I'm not a child give me something to kill and rip it's skin off. I hate being a child/human character I want dark elf man skin customizations. I hate children following me around in a multiplayer game because I'm the only one who wont tell them to piff off. I hate anime girls. I hate tank. I hate healer. I hate complex dungeon dynamics. Just kill the boss and give me the looty I cannot care less that I am even here in existance let alone this dungeon. I hate dungeon kicking. I hate guilds. I hate guild parties. I hate bots. I hate player restrictions that only hurt players not the bots. I loved Rift when it first came out because world boss was easy team up. I hate dungeon snobs. I love healing potions with no timers. I hate pvp. I hate moba. I love WvW but it gets old same maps same objectives no real conclusion. I hate horror. I hate zombies. I hate guns. I hate oversized unrealistic structures. I hate Urban environments. I hate being a space suit. I hate being a space craft. I hate being a divers suit. I hate being a raft/submarine. I hate being a dragon that flies like an airplane. I hate ESO it's nothing like Skyrim not even remotely. I hate gacha. I hate p2w. I hate subscriptions. I FREAKING HATE TOP DOWN ICOMENTRIC!! I hate only first person view why did you let me make a character I'm never going to see anything but it's hands????
There are more gaming options than ever but it's like if all Targets and Walmarts etc closed down and the earth was covered in nothing but Dollar General Stores on every street corner and block. Quantity but no quality. Like all the meat was replaced with Cheetos and I'm the crazy one for starving to death ☠!
My favorite games were Ark Survival Evolved and Conan Exiles but both of them flopped cuz server problems + no group dungeon content (a cave is not a dungeon).
The top 3 games are pretty much here to stay with number 1 and number 2 constantly fluctuating when their respective expansions release👍🏼only hope i have for a new contender in the top ranks is maybe ashes of creation and thats a big MAYBE
Miss last chaos
I like 14 but gear progression is so… lackluster
its so sad that the mmo genre is dying so badly bruh
No idea why people keep highlighting lost ark as p2w. Every mmo is p2w but out of all the mmos I played, lost ark is the only mmo I never felt the need to swipe. I can do everything the game offers without having to swipe. Stop listening and play the game. It is really fun and the combat is unmatched.
Eve online is $20 a month!? In the Biden economy!?
micro trans actions
been single player from day one
How new world is most played, there are 5k people online in good days. Game is dead
Why you show so old trailer of albion online?
Albion diferent now, better
Thé part of albion is such badly put together, I don’t play anymore, but hey come on did you ever played it? The footage date from the beta… 8 years ago, come on man
Anderson Karen Martin Thomas Hall Kevin