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The massive forested peak of Mount Hyjal was the original refuge and sacred place to the Wild Gods, protected and watched over by Freya shortly after the ordering of Azeroth. The dark trolls, ancestors of the night elves used to live in the networks of deep caverns stretching under Hyjal.
The Kaldorei have held this great mountain sacred and it remained untouched by their sprawling empire by the orders of Queen Azshara. The public believed it was out of respect for the strong ties the mountain had with nature, but the Queen secretly feared the Wild Gods that resided on it. When the first Well of Eternity was destroyed in the War of the Ancients, the resulting implosion triggered the Great Sundering. Mount Hyjal endured and the night elven resistance, who had escaped to the Summit, emerged to rebuild their society — though without arcane magic this time.
After the Sundering, Illidan Stormrage created a new Well of Eternity atop Mount Hyjal. After the night elves learned of this, they planted the world tree Nordrassil on top of it. It was blessed by three dragon aspects: Alexstrasza, Nozdormu, and Ysera, and served two purposes: to keep others from abusing the magic of the new Well, but also to prevent the second fount’s power from growing too great over time. Nordrassil grew deep roots into the earth, spreading life-giving energies and healing the land around the mountain. It also empowered the Kaldorei against diseases and aging. Illidan was in turn imprisoned in one of the barrow dens under Hyjal.
With the impending Cataclysm, the World Tree’s well-being was threatened once more. The Dragon Aspects gathered here to bless Nordrassil in order to speed the process of rejuvenation of the world tree and the world. Learning of this Deathwing unleashed Ragnaros and his minions on the land. With the aid of the Twilight Hammer, they burst into Hyjal from the Firelands within the Elemental Plane, and prepared to set Nordrassil ablaze, a conflagration that would endanger all life on Azeroth. The Guardians of Hyjal revived Goldrinn, Aviana, and Cenarius from the Emerald Dream, as well as saved Tortolla from imprisonment at the Twilight’s Hammer’s hands, and fought off Ragnaros. Hyjal later served as the invasion point for Cenarion Circle’s attack on the Firelands.
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For the music titles turn on the CC (captions / subtitles) from YouTube bar.
Mysterious, Night Elves, Fire, Burning Steppes, Grove of the Ancients: by Neal Acree
Cataclysm: Glenn Stafford
Darkwhisper Gorge, Aftermarth, The Firelands, Nordrassil, Guardians of Hyjal, Hyjal: David Arkenstone
Moonglade, Barrow Dens: Russell Brower
World of Warcraft Cataclysm – Mount Hyjal locations on this video:
0:00:00 Intro (Nordrassil)
0:00:50 Nordrassil / Nordrassil Inn / The Well of Eternity
0:07:34 Hyjal Barrow Dens
0:10:12 The Verdant Thicket | Ruins of Lar’donir
0:13:47 Tranquil Grove
0:15:33 The Circle of Cinders
0:19:13 Shrine of Aviana
0:26:12 Rim of the World
0:27:42 Shrine of Goldrinn
0:30:11 Grove of Aessina
0:31:50 The Flamewake / The Inferno
0:34:46 Sanctuary of Malorne
0:37:15 Nordune Ridge
0:41:09 Sethria’s Roost
0:42:21 The Scorched Plain
0:46:55 Darkwhisper Gorge
0:48:55 Gates of Sothann
0:50:53 Ascendant’s Rise
0:53:45 Sulfuron Spire
0:57:24 Throne of Flame
0:58:42 Firelands Entrance
As a Vanilla WoW player, I am capturing the old & new World of Warcraft atmosphere for eternity.
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#Meisio #WorldofWarcraft #WoW
Happy Brewfest everyone!
Starting September there are some World Events in WoW which are most dear to me: Brewfest, Hallow's End, and Winter Veil. I'm enjoying this period of the year in WoW, although I don't see many of you in the game (understandable). I'll keep posting content, my mission is not done yet and I'll see you on the Livestream ( ) – hopefully, I'll finish some Brewfest content in the following days.
Unrelated to what I've said above, I am continuing the Cataclysm videos, this time with Mount Hyjal. I was happy to refresh my memory with the rich lore from this zone. Pretty cool zone, some lore in the video description.
Do you like this video? Give it a like, listen to more (playlist links below), subscribe. Do you want to support my work? Details in the video description (New: I've created 2 more tiers in the Membership zone).
Brewfest video:
Cataclysm music & ambience playlist:
All World of Warcraft music & ambience playlist:
Livestream with Music & Ambience:
With love,
Thank Youuuu BIG LOVE
Christmas is early this year 🙂
Thanks for uploading this track i love mount hyjal's music! Cata music is definetly one the best, I hope you can do Badlands or stonetalon mountains or any revamped kalimdor/EK music!!
Loving Brewfest! Cheers to all!
Someone is doing their job correctly in the music department at blizzard 🥰👍
13:18 I remember the daily quest on saving bear cubs clinging on trees while the ground's burning. Those pine trees were really tall, I fall to my death sometimes. XD
Thank you very much for your work again! Hyjal was one of my favorite place during Cata, even with the flaws here-and-there in the story. As always, I can really feel that how much You connect with the Nightelven zones and themes. This one video turned out really great. I really enjoyed it, thank you! <3
22:30 is a real dope place for a home.
Regardless of the state of the game, please keep up the work! I love the wow music, and I love your videos!
Mount Hyjal is one of those epic places you dreamt about when playing Vanilla. I always loved the look and concept of this area of the game. I think cinematics make it more justice though.
Прекрасно, чарующе, невероятно
The game has so many fantastic zones; but for me after winterspring and storm peaks this is the best ost / ambient zone in the game imo.
Thank you for the upload
Wow, I had either forgotten or never noticed how unique Hyjal's score was. For some reason I had just assumed it was a combination of standard NE themes / the cata twilight's hammer theme. I was so wrong! This is great.
trash expansion lol
It is getting me through work as we speak haha, great job Meisio!
Oooooh my Heart!I so like this.
this is music this is the archetype of our inner struggle…Thanks you great Meisio
i remember whenever understand that i had to go in a cave whenever it was the barrow dens quest where you talk to that emerald dragon, i must have been 8 at the time, cataclysm was mostly a having fun expansion for me, but when my father finally showed me the way to finish the quest i was more surprised over the fact there were "many maievs" inside the cave.
Cataclysm as a whole is one of the underestimated expansions..Soundtrack is wonderful
I really like reading the lore you put into the description regarding the zone, very immersive!
Thx for this 👍🏻
I hope this area becomes the new Capital city of the Night Elves in 10.0.
Hyjal stands out for me so much. Thank you for mixing such adorable video, gonna listen to it regularly
Special gratitude for representing Hyjal's original storyline path throughout video!
29:00 Chills
It is one of the most beautiful regions, but it’s very difficult to reach Nordrasill on low level, because of many enemies on the way, which are almost impossible to avoid.