Must Have Addons for Collecting in World of Warcraft

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After many requests, Uwea finally stopped procrastinating and took the time to make a list of addons that he uses in his Road to 100 Exalted Reputation series.

Here are the addons with timestamps πŸ™‚

0:00 Intro
0:20 Krowi’s Achievement Filter
5:12 TomTom
6:00 Paste
7:18 HandyNotes
8:45 RareScanner
10:35 Rarity
12:44 AllTheThings
14:57 SexyMap
16:20 Kaliel’s Tracker

#worldofwarcraft #wow #mmorpg
World of Warcraft (WoW) is a Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG) released in 2004 by Blizzard Entertainment. Set in the Warcraft fantasy universe, World of Warcraft takes place within the world of Azeroth.


3 thoughts on “Must Have Addons for Collecting in World of Warcraft”

  1. You did miss some pretty important collector addons yes, and it touches on an aspect of collecting in this game that I haven't seen extensively covered on YouTube, sharding. The addons are RareTracker and NPC Time.

    RT shows your current shard ID. It also tracks the last time a given rare was killed on that shard, getting that info either from your own kill or another user of the RT addon.

    NPC Time shows the time a NPC has been alive, whether respawned or freshly spawned in a new shard, and the current shard ID when mousing over any NPC.

    How is this useful? Well recently I used it to get the Breezebiter mount. I quickly changed shards by joining groups in the zone, checking if the rare's up, rinse and repeat. As it spawns right next to the dig event and it was current content at the time I sharded all the time anyway. I could tell which shard I was in and whether the rare was dead or unknown there with RT, and instantly tell whether the shard was freshly spawned by mousing over a NPC and seeing how long it was alive. This is obviously useful for many, many rares that are actually rare spawns with poor drop rates and thus would be harder to get in the next expansion but has the disadvantage of only being really useful in current content. It was great for Silence, for example.

    Which brings up another good point about collecting, it's about maximizing your mount count over time, efficiency, not hardcore grinding. Before I go after new content grinding hardcore, I always think to myself "Would this be much much easier or harder in a year with nobody around and another ten levels?"

    Hope this helps, love the channel!

  2. Great video. I was actually trying to figure out that quest tracker addon yesterday or the day before.

    Do yourself a huge favor and get eAlign Updated. It can put a grid on your screen at any time to help you align your stuff. Blizzard added it to the move ui pane but this one is better. Also I made it so maybe I’m biased lol.


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