My History in World of Warcraft!

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This is the story about how I started playing WoW and where my journey led to throughout the years!
My memory is pretty horrible, so I might have missed or forgotten a thing or two.

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39 thoughts on “My History in World of Warcraft!”

  1. This was really inspiring. Didnt know that you were in Method! That is amazing acomplishment! I have raided with Sparky on Cataclysm private server, and we were second on the server! His perspective on the game is mind blowing. Thank you for sharing this.

  2. Never be put down by the hate. Your MDI commentary I always find to be insightful and entertaining. Casters cant know everything happening within a key as there is so much nuance and change always occuring. If anything I appreciate the commentary you give. So thanks for that

  3. You are one of the best streamers out there. Me and my friends appreciate your content, keep being yourself. The haters are the loudest most of the time! Meanwhile there are many many others who love the stream/casting/commentary etc!

  4. Naguura – your English is truly fine. I have never once had an issue with understanding and your accent is not a tough one to listen to. That criticism from people is so disingenuous.

  5. Hey, ich folge dir schon seit ein paar Jahren und gucke immer mal wieder rein, wie jetzt zum beispiel. Ich wollte dir einmal kurz sagen, dass leute heuzutage diese Heldengeschichte, die ich super cool finde, nicht mehr wollen. Leute wollen Perfekte Menschen die noch nie ein Fehler gemacht haben, oder machen werden. Genau das macht dich aber menschlich und so cool zum zuschauen. Danke das du so bist wie du bist!
    Hab einen schönen Tag! Liebe Grüße <3

  6. Hey, Danke für das Video.. Empfinde deine Guides sehr interessant. Ich habe dich immer als sehr informiert wahrgenommen, auch bevor ich nun in diesem Video erfahren habe, dass du sogar world-firsts erzielt hast. Weiter so!

  7. I feel the same way! Started playing in 2006 when I was in the military. Everyone I know stopped. I’ll play until I can’t physically do it anymore. I love every aspect of the game!

  8. Thanks for you knowledge sharing for Moonkin, that's all I ever played going back to BC and currently. I also would like to say your English is better than some Americans I know. Keep up the good work!!!

  9. i cannot judge the accommodations of another if I myself haven't completed those same tasks or hurdles like world first or clearing a mythic raid. im working my way through achieved aotc and looking for a guild to push with. so thats all i can say i have for experience in terms of raiding is aotc at most. I love the RWF it shows my how much i just dont know and where I can pick pointers up and use that for the rest of the tier or so on. even if im not raiding at mythic. Todays world is too shifted on just hating or diminishing accomplishments rather than congratulating your friends for what they WORKED for. congrats on the World firsts, best of luck in your career.

  10. Naguura, the problem isn't you, believe me 😉! There're alot of toxic people in the world, not only in this game!
    You have people who like you, other's not really and that is okay…. Just continue to improve, to give your best and keep having fun 😁!
    You just have won another follower 😁. Ando sorry for my writing, afterall English is not my first language 🤣

  11. ur great love ur guides n content, but most especially your energy and how positive you are when talking through whatever the video is about – and as a viewer that is definitely felt. Even in your MDI casting, i know ppl in my guild have said things like you maybe made a few mistakes on saying certain things, but really it didnt matter because they all felt that your energy and positive vibe really made the casting aspect of those streams much more enjoyable to listen to. so yea, keep being yourself!!! there will always be haters online, i totally feel you as I'm an artist myself, a musician so i constantly hear good things and bad things, and just take those in and really ask myself and decide if those comments were truthful or not. I'd say just keep doing your thing, dont change your personality to satisfy online haters, your success as a streamer and youtuber speaks for itself. looking forward to more content…. maybe some PvP guide possibly???? XD would love it

  12. Its a late comment, but for what its worth, you are definitely not just a token girl gamer as far as casting goes. Without wishing to be mean, I think Eiya for the AWC probably does fall into this category, but its obvious listening to your commentary that you actually know your stuff and have plenty of experience playing high end content.

    Is it entirely incidental that you are an attractive woman? Probably not, but in visual media this is completely normal and its a reasonable consideration for a large media company to have in terms of who they choose to represent them.

  13. Ok your English is spot on. When I first heard you I thought you were Dutch. ( Excellent English speakers). So there's that. You express yourself wonderfully and I dare say come across as relaxed and genuine. I can assure you that you honestly present so well, you put most content creators to utter shame. You seem like a genuine soul, you are also beautiful. If anyone is negative towards you know 100 percent that it's jealousy. The fact is because you are multilingual, attractive, funny and don't appear to be superficial, and smile alot, you are going to get some people projecting on to you. As you say, that's par for the course and you've done this long enough to allow those things to slide. But it really is very easy to attack people who appear to have it all, if someone is experiencing different to that.
    Keep smiling please. It's delightful.
    All the best 👍


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