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0:00 My Thoughts on the War Within
9:50 My Plans for PvP
Great Xaryu, I'm happy that you're living this phase in your life, that you're enjoying your family, playing this game that is life. hahaha. You did a lot for WoW and I am extremely grateful to you for your teachings here, I learned a lot about the game watching you and how grateful I am for all of this, I hope you are happy and whenever you want to return to retail, the arenas will be there for you. you. Regarding modern PvP, I understand your point, but I'm already kind of used to the new system, with this more frenetic PvP with thousands of skills, I don't know if I can get used to the old style. But both modes have their beauty and are super fun! Thanks again for everything brother, may God bless your new phase and your family! Thanks!
Blizz needs to just make a cata or mop server like Arena Tournament back in the day and just cycle pvp seasons every few months as a service to the pvp community and just let us have our fun
I'm not a pvp player but i swear to god pvp players will incrase ton of if they reduce the skill amount and limit cc mechanics like 10 sec of poly or fear, because of ton of cc pvp is not fun and there is not that much healers playing pvp.
WAIT… so mythic plus is why everyone needs a ton of AOE… everyone needs a ton of mobility… and everyone needs a ton of self healing…. really sounds like mythic plus is what ruined the game lmao
I m same age, and like you i ve been pushing hard only pvp all theese years cos i loved titles. I started this “break” at shadowland and god i found the “old wow” the “old casual fun” o had as a kid thanks to classic.
I Miss Arena, you will a lot too prob but you will enjoy.
As for you i have less time in life, i enjoy Classic design and will try new exp for pve, never ever done that too.
In this time in Classic i ve been pvp too but not only i missed Arena here and there but not to much, did only little pushing in tbc and wotlk just for nostalgia
As we get older the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and being there for your family become undeniable for a fulfilling and happy life, i.e. I think your choices are very much happy ones. I figure a happy, fulfilled Xaryu is going to make better content as well.
Just take a break for a bit and do family and come back and snag rank 1 you got this man.
Booo don’t like current retail
Xar, this definitely resonates with me. Playing since Vanilla and now being a dad of two, I feel a lot of the same. The more laidback approach to WoW nowadays. But it'll be good for a change of pace. Also, I really dig the shirt – what brand is that? Or, if anyone else knows.
Lmao frost mages ice lance critting 900k bro is saying its not what he wants KEK
I couldnt agree more. Retail Pvp has become horrible over the years.
awesome auzthentic video! Love it! Nice to see how you get old!
TLDR: Xaryu will be joining the race to world first
Healthy, mature decision. Follow what makes most fun for you. GL.
tww rules
I'm with you.
I'm in! I just want something casual and fun so it seems perfect. Thanks for sharing!
You are forever a legend whether you play retail or not
bro just came out of the shower so relaxed hes almost speaking in slowmotion
Why not just have spells for PvE and a different set of spells for PvP? Obviously not World PvP, but you know what I mean.
WoW so dramatic
FINALLY someone helped me understand/explain what I've been feeling about the combat the last few expansions. Not for me. However, I will always play their expansions for the lore/adventuring. Just won't stick around for competitive PvP. Classic PvP combat > this. And I agree, PvE combat is wonderful in retail. I had felt this in DF, but I don't recall being able to put any words to it. With TWW's release, it seems more obvious than ever. And I also think you nailed it when you said that for PvE, it's great! But for my money, PvP felt soooo much more meaningful and satisfying in classic and the following 3 expansions. I can liken the current PvP in WoW to Guild Wars IMO. It feels like a bunch of button mashing and chaos, and roles seem far less defined. You have a sub for life.
Cu in 2 months in PvP xD
Enjoy it man.
They could add select traits/talents for pvp focus to make single target work right?
Damn, that made me wanna get a beer with you. I don’t play anywhere even remotely close to your level but I more or less share the same opinions as this. Grew up with this game since 2004 also, the idea of a separate instanced world solely for arena and BG could be cool.
Lost a viewer and a sub, pve is a clown show, not entertaining. Sorry not watching you rp and kill bots all day
Take care, pikabooirl is king
I know you wont see this but we love you so much no matter what you do, Ive been watching since shadowlands when i started playing and you were genuinely my inspiration to learn pvp and mage especially and in my eyes youre the undisputed #1 mage regardless of who gets rank 1 in Solo shuffle in this inflated seasons the insane win streaks and rank 1 titles youve earned are never going to be forgotten
'Not the WoW we grew up with' made me smile. It should be much better, but it isn't. Bloatware, complexity, tedium and repetition have replaced compulsive playability.
Xaryu, you are one of the mage goats, but also just a washed classic player now, so I get it…
The idea that less spells make PvE boring is not based. In Elder Ring you dont have a "rotation", you only parry/block/roll and attack/cast
Definitely not playing this expa. If you combine how bad combat is with a Disney-like soft story it is a no brainer
You re gonna push rank 1 again and you know it. I know it. Everybody knows it.
they have to break this distopian dissilusionment wow pvp thing and move back to BFA8.35 where mastery outscaled vers…. and i'm okay with that
what if they just did a plunderstorm style pvp
Worst thing that happened with this exp is the 3 weeks wait bro, 1 week could've been enough for the season
Desperately hanging on to this scam of a game.
3:23 you forgot more homogenization….. lol nm you followed up with that 😛
You are a legend ! I grow up with ur stream and vod, u make me what I am in wow since I started the pvp seriously and yeah its sad to ear but im more happy to see you happy in your life with ur familly, big up from France my friend, ur one of my hero fr ♥️🇫🇷
I decided to quit wow straight before tww, it’s a hard feeling but i have to, after two kids, you have no time for wow if you doesn’t make money with it.
WoW is in best shape that has ever been.
The last 5 minutes real hits home and that's great, in the same boat as you, played wow since 2007, a few breaks here and there but been raiding competitively my whole adult life (never been a big pvper) and now that my wife and I have had our baby I log on maybe 2-3 times a week because life is now better than a game and our families are the most important things.
i started PvP in Shadowlands and playing just PvE now. Mythic raids and M+, and its way more fun
Hadn’t played wow since wod and I quit during wod sort of earlier than I thought I would. I’ve been pleasantly surprised with this expansion. Really enjoying the levelling and doing it slowly since early access.