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💰 My Fresh Gold Guide:
⚠️Fresh Classic Leveling Guide:
5 Amazing Changes in Fresh Classic WoW:
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My Fresh Gold Guide:
⚠Fresh Classic Leveling Guide:
5 Amazing Changes in Fresh Classic WoW:
Idk whether to roll PVP or PVE, i love a bit of World PVP, but I'm a slow leveller and could end just being farmed when everyone else is already high level and i'm flapping around in STV trying to quest 😅
Nice. Remember its RPG, Role Paying Game. As long as you pay you are solid.
they will nit make more servers, they said one of the big "new" things is that there will be only 1 megaserver for each playstyle cuz servers nowadays have more capacity etc
Which server you think is gonna be more populated?
Definitely starting in hardcore since I’ve been enjoying that and unless I die before lvl 20 I’ll transfer over to the fresh pve server so I can experience tbc for the first time. Literally no point not to start hc since they’ll be on the same progression timeline.
please tell me why the hell you need days off to play the game??? Do you need 3 months to prepare for a fresh launch? Take days off work, prepare a ton of redbull and junk food?
I’ve played nothing but hardcore for the last year. But with fresh servers this Thursday there is no doubt in my mind I’m returning to normal classic wow to relive the 2019 classic raiding experience. Nothing quite like it. 2-3 months down the road I’ll make my hardcore character
What do y’all recommend for a solo pve’er? Other than Mage…
lol who cares
Fresh player here, never had the chance to play. No money back then and when classic came life got in the way. Now me and my brother are gonna finally be able to experience this. Also great no need to rush and Raids are not dropped at launch. We are picking PVE as it's our first time.
if you do it like him…. you are on the way to optimise the fun out of the game….
I hope they over turn the GDKP Ban. Myself, and most of my associates who have been running GDKPs since classic do so because we don't have the time to harvest mats for consumes and would rather spend our time Raiding, and not farming.
I think this ban is going to be alienate some of the most valuable players in WoW. I raid lead and without a fair incentive like a host cut I am less interested in playing classic fresh.
It also feels bad dealing with the scenario of a shitter in the raid winning rolls when the gear should go to the players that carry.
anyone know what time on thursday the servers will open up.
Black lotus will be botted day 1 so good luck getting a flask that isn't on AH for more then your 60 mount!!
Im alliance Andy as well, maybe go zug-zug for a change.
PvE 🤮
me with my gf gonna run feral and rogue and gang everyone once again like in SOD 😀
Gonna be the same crap again, rushed, bots, reserved items, streamer cancer nah ill pass. 2004 was the real deal not this classic garbage once again
Repeat repeat repeat. Except with an even shorter time frame this time. 3 weeks to get to level 60 before raids 😂😂 and launched during last phase of SOD. Blizzard is such a garbage company now
can you not transfer from hc to pvp server?
This will be Fifth classic experience,
first and 2005,
Second 2019,
Third, first time around with servers hard-core,
Fourth then season of discovery.
Now 2024 another classic being the fifth followed by another hard-core being the sixth?
Honestly, I don’t see much in doing something six times over that takes a large portion of your life. To me this sounds like keeping you on the wheel so they can go work on retail. I think the only classic that may have some potential would be season of discovery. And I know I’m not the only one that feels like that.
Will we still have layers? The newer fixes that were added, or is it the actual 2004 game?
How are you playing the 20th anniversary edition? Doesnt it launch on the 21st?
Stockholm syndrome
anyone know if they'll remove the mage aoe ZF grind?
man i would love to play on pvp server but u are so right about the ganking and stuff as a casual player :(((
could you in theory play hardcore to avoid the zerg of players and just die to transfer over later?
i plan to be an arse hole this time around. gonna roll a rogue and hang around gurubashi on hc
Here's a potential problem: you start a new character on the Hardcore realm and then transfer to the PVE realm. But what if another character has the same name as yours on the PVE realm? Will you be forced to change your name?
Can you do a guide on Feats of Strength that will be retro-activated if the realms progress to WotLK?! pls! (that can be worked on in fresh classic now)
This is the cycle that ruins the game and then everyone cries for a fresh release. Just login, take your time. Read some dialogue. And enjoy the game.
If you don't want to get ganked, be the ganker, don't be a passive play pussy
is party finder coming to fresh anniversary realms?
My plans for fresh classic: level to 60. Log out until TBC.
Servers launch for me at 9am Friday for me, So the starter zones may be a little quieter by the time I get on.
Not to get behind 😂 WTF
Since its going to progress to TBC they should add those 2 extra races at start, it would be cool to play classic like that but it would probably break the game with Horde Paladins and Allaince Shamans.
Rolling on a PVE, ultimately it was my guilds choice, but I voted for PVE due to the amount of time wasted from ganking, Im not sure if it happened in your servers but there was so much time wasted on raid night for PVP and ganking of people trying to get into the raids that there was up to 1 hour lost each week from this, that majorly impacts progression.
Is there a good video that explains what server progression looks like or the dangers it might bring to HC servers? Thanks!
Running 25 mins to kill 12 knolls then running 25 mins back to turn it in for 5 silver has never seemed so unappealing.
I played a human combat rogue during the 2019 re-launch and found a great guild of cool people and we progressed thru to NAXX (but didn't really get very far in that raid). My raid leader suggested that I change to shaman since its really useful in TBC raids and enhance shaman is a lot of fun. So I rolled a Draneai and leveled up as enhance, but later switched to elemental we got thru Kara, Gruuls, and Mag. I had a great time. But I burned out and ended up quitting the game.
This time, I'm going to just go ahead and go shaman thru both. A few reasons: I've pretty much always played alliance and I want to experience new content. I also have (mostly) only rolled on PVE servers and this time I want to try out PVP. Planning to go with the 30/0/21 build which sounds like a ton of fun. I also want to try my hand at healing eventually. Still can't decide on race as it looks like all three excel in different ways, but I'm leaning towards Tauren for the warstomp. I might roll some alts for fun, but Shaman main for sure.
Can't wait…though I probably will wait until the weekend, because I think at launch it will be absolute chaos and mob tagging is going to be challenging, so thinking if I miss a couple of days I won't be too far behind. I'm also a semi-casual since I have a job/life and can only play for 3-4 hours per evening and weekends. Hoping to find another great bunch of people to play with again.
BAHAAHA dudes playing PVE. Turned this video right the F off. downvote
I am torn between playing a mage or a warrior. I feel there there will be a lot of rogues around during levelling
I started on Hc before, and have a 40ish and 28 char on Era (transfered from Hc when died) . But i didn't touch them cause Sod Launched back then.
Not sure to go Fresh now , or just continue with my Era chars after i lvlt my last char to 60 on Sod ?
What's the big difference ? (dual spec ?)
PVP server. Most fun i had in a long time levelling PVP on Deviate fresh.
HC without lube
Any first timers here like me?😊
Not to stay too much behind on the first day? Are you serious man? Im out.