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The Arena World Championship has returned in Season 1 of The War Within, continuing with a weekend full of incredible plays. Follow along as Ziqo highlights some of the most notable moments from AWC Cup #3!
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Ziqo legend
Let’s gooooo!!!
blizzard needs an all new commentator cast
real content yo
Let’s go Team Liquid!!
ziqo looking drippy in the thumbnail
Ziqo is awesome
all top 5 moments should've been thesia's ice walls. he is the ice king
Ziqo is the goat
Wow, Saul+Dorito's knock up to thunderstorm don't get any highlights? easily better than #5… like they're facing rogue/feral lol
Big Z !!!
The level of play has improved exponentially in the past few years
Ziqo, Ven and Supat are awesome casters.
Insane plays
Choose your side Human or Orc
Why mehhx did not use voidshif on chan and and where was Chan's portal located that was available to use
Number 1 happens in 1600 games all the time
ziqo is really best caster, specially when him and ven is doing it together.
That play by Thesia is how PVP should be in this game. Zone control, using CC for more than just stuns. Truly full situational awareness and battlefield control rather than just stacking hard CC and DPS cooldowns until something dies.
Please unblock in Russian
Ziqo is lord <3
Ziqo 🙏