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Outlaw Rogue 9.0 PvE BFA Guide:
Outlaw Rogue 8.3 PvP BFA Guide:
Assassination Rogue 8.3 PvP BFA Guide:
first comment
I was legit confused when I saw the title, like is this dude just late as hell to the shadowlands party or is it ptr updates lol
Very good videos bro . Wotch you from Ukraine . Btw you can check my content I will be happy
As a Ven rogue, been playing Outlaw since the start. Though Sin rogue is where my heart is at and I cannot wait for these changes.
Wish I could have full uptime on feral druid savage roar without having it talented. Feels like it should be baseline imo
I know he is highlighting the rogue, but watching that warrior smash the dummy made me want to roll warrior * shrug *
Shout out to Eoth
Im a venthyr outlaw main myself and im SOOO happy they are making flagellation viable now
Playing flagellation in m+ was cancer, this is awesome
Nice I can start going all out on my rogue now Assa and outlaw looking hella good now
Praise the blizzard gods, assassination has hope!
Okay. So I like d Flagellation before, but this sounds MUCH cooler
deathly Shadows sounds great for Mut rogue as well; gives an xtra MFD(marked for death) considering Mut's energy problems. Though I still believe for Mut to be as relevant as Subt(pvp) and Outlaw(pve) it will need a old school premeditation where it reset key abilities like vanish, Evasion, shadow step, etc..
Flagellation is such a pain right now. Glad they’re making it more practical.
with all these changes we cant even reroll without starting over … lol
I will 100% be switching to venthyr rogue. Nightfae was solid but I want that venthyr armor and come on….that haste is insane. Now that’s a way better ability.
I REALLY hope the essence of blood fang legendary does do that much damage. I don’t feel that is broken as it is a chance to proc. MA shouldn’t have been nerfed… 🙁
Does lashing scars work on the ptr rn?
I wanna see an opener with this reworked version using the dreadbladed talent.
wow…. the ass rogue change is amazing, but still seing like a lot of energy lacks on the spec… maybe they should rething about venomous wounds being like 9-10 energy
btw with the rogue changes i was looking at so i’m confused, so they took the 10% regen from assas but what i looked at was the other rogue specs got that 10% energy regen? not sure?
I love these vids!
Yes I'm very excited! Flagellation is total garbage currently and to be honest I find myself rarely using it because of how it works. I like that it's now a fire and forget spell. I love the changes coming throug to assa as well since it's my preferred rogue spec and I'm glad it sounds like it will be viable again
alternative tittle: rogues
Why the hell would they remove the energyregen of slice?
Where you find the Bag of Soul Ash ?
rogues are such joke in this expansion comparing to other classes pve wise
Hopefully this is enough for me to reroll from nightfae to the actual covenant I wanted to play from the beggining.
Hi! Can someone tell me why we dont use Abush instead of Mutilate when we have subterfuge?
Cut to the Chase is a mistake. Assassination is brainless without having to monitor SnD. I don't get how people think they couldn't press Envenom enough, you only had to refresh SnD every 30-ish seconds. Cut to the Chase should just be a talent.