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While we wait for World of Warcraft Classic: The Burning Crusade, get yourself a crocodile.
The Burning Crusade Pre-Patch is finally here, bringing with it the Blood Elves, the Draenei and our first steps towards the Dark Portal and what lies beyond. And, like many of you, I’ve been pondering on what I want to play, what sort of player I want to be, and what challenges I’d like to face in this Classic expansion. From my thoughts on PvP, to dungeons, raids, what I intend to level, and what I ultimately will main, in this video I’m sharing my plans for this expansion and what possibly lies beyond.
What do you all intend to play, however? Are there any fellow Blood Elves out there, by chance? Draenei? Anyone fancy some Jewel Crafting? Let us know down in the comment section below! Regardless, enjoy the first steps of this new Burning Crusade adventure, and see you all at the Dark Portal!
0:00 Introduction and Sponsor
1:54 Before the Dark Portal
4:43 Outland
6:45 The Story of Nixxiom
9:05 Conclusions
Made by, Nixxiom
🎤 Microphone –
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🖥️ Sony Vegas –
💻 Adobe After Effects –
#WorldofWarcraft #WoWClassic #BurningCrusade
I'm feeling cozy sooo…. coziest corners of a zeroth pt.2?
What would of been funnier is if the portal doesn't take you to Outlands but to Wod Draenor.
Hellfire Boar feces
Helpline boar feces
People play Draenei? suuure lol. Their racials are hellfire boar feces. Meanwhile Bloodelves have by far the best.
Very well thought-out distribution of racials, as always, Blizzard.
I dont even want to think what my BG-queue waiting times will be as Horde on TBC. As if Vanilla populations werent imbalanced enough.
Glaives, of course
I can't wait to waste my time farming bog lord tendrils again!!!!
Hellfire Boar Feces
I mean, Nixxiom has already said he's just always been a death knight so I'm half expecting the camera to just pan away from him as a warrior and then pan back as a death knight and no one mentions it
Draenei shaman/ Hellfire Boar Feces
my classic wow stormwind is dead, and my retail stormwind and oribos is crowded… so idk. Also its down time in retail waiting on 9.1. Also im pretty sure retails numbers are bigger than classic lol. Its just that in classic you are either in your faction hub or out doing raid/dg. In retail people are out doing shit. The people standing around Oribos are just there waiting on pvp ques or M+ groups. Just cause you dont do high end content doesnt mean the game is bad lol. Itll be booming again in 9.1
Man I love hellfire boar feces!
I only got my undead warlock to 37 during classic, but this time around im making a blood elf paladin and I'm getting him to level 60 so I can go slay some demons! I never got to play tbc or anything like that so I'm excited to do the old raids and stuff
Someone is getting streamsniped I bet. also, hellfire boar feces.
I just love your sponsors, they're always FUCKING HILARIOUS
I mean I dont know if I wanna give blizzard money anymore but I suppose if I were to make a character in TBC I'd probably get back to my Retri paladin days you know when in PVP they wre beasts oh and in Wrath they also were beasts I tanked Trial of Champions as a Retri pala so thats a proud moment for me. I Probably wont do blood elves cause they are just salty cause they aint as cool as Night elves but I think I'll do a Draenei since Draenei are the best race in WoW yeah……..
also WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK I want to watch Nixxiom in peace and the adds bring up 2 FUCKING SITES WHERE YOU CAN BUY WOW GOLD! NO FUCK YOU SHADY MONEYHUNGRY WEBSITES FUCK OFF if I want to get gold in Classic WoW then I'll do it in the gold old fashioned way which can range from begging in StormWind if I really am lazy or idk going out and doing quests like I used to do it in Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King you know back when the game was actually good?
The start of the video is kinda misleading to make a narrative which is not False by any means. Classic does not have sharding. Retail would show much more people if you weren't in a shard that has a maximum capacity.
Boooooar feces
I want to see that video
The sitting exploit hasn't worked for almost 8 months. They took that out the game a long fucking time ago so you cant even exploit reckoning that way anymore.
I just started with prepatch on classic, I am level 25 now so I will maybe hop to Dark Portal a litte bit late but I am looking forward to it to the max. TBC is expansion I started on and I like it the most to this day. I will stay on TBC for a whole time and never touch Shadowlands again no matter what they do with it, because lets be honest, SL is trash. Everybody is putting it as wow saver but only thing they did right was the level squish and old expansion leveling. I dont like the story, dont like the mechanics, dont like zones. Nothing… just… nothing … TBC is my new WoW for next two years
Gd it. FINALLY someone who addresses my neighbors sneaking into my pool. Also. PLEASE join us on Mankrik. Message me for guild :p
I love how “boomer” just means you are an older gamer, even when it doesn’t fit the generation. 🤣
I can't wait until shadowland classic come out
Hellfire boar feces!
hellfire boar feecees
As a fellow altochic I have a draenei hunter, and blood elf lock
Play Final Fantasy XIV
0:23 well that aged poorly and nice with selectively showing empty spots in cities on dead servers, people in retail are not afk in city to hold on their precious world buffs like wow classic lawl
I started end of BC beginning of Wrath. I would play on my mom and dads account in BC so I’m gonna enjoy that nostalgia that current content can’t give me.
1 Damage intensifies
I bought the deluxe edition but I am not planning on using the boost at all… I just wanted the Path of Illidan lol.
Hellfire boar feces? Anyone? haha? ANYONE?!
hellfire boar feaces.
Lmao I’m playing a Belf rogue on Old Blanchy is a meme guild called Tampax that’s an all belf guild 😂😂
Hellfire boar feces
My plans for tbc. Level back up a priest on classic because I srewed up in copying my main to a classic server.
Helfair borfiesies
Hellfire boar feces
crocodile & redbubble
Sharding sucks… No players on sight and when i was destroying druid in bastion
.. He just disapeared then i walked to his side and there was like shard border that worked like fog of war or somtething.. HATE IT DIED COZ OF IT
Nixx come to Zandalari Tribe!! EU RPPVP i am on 😛
Have you thought about just going on a private rp server to really maximize from customising anything and everything for your nixxiom vids? Another added bonus would be no sub to blizzurd
Hellfireboarfeces 😀
Hellfire boar feces