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This video contains a promotion for the new Blue Yeti X World of Warcraft Edition microphone. If you’re interested in checking it out:
Preach’s Video:
If you have any suggestions, requests, or just general feedback let me know in the comments or with a message. I try my best to answer or at least read as many as I can.
Music from
‘WetGrass Inspired’ [Tristram] by AmIEviL:
Shaping of the World:
Stormwind Music:
D3 New Tristram:
Freehold & Kul Tiras Music:
BfA Soundtrack ‘The Grand Bazaar’:
Alliance Garrison Music:
If you wish to support the channel:
Please let me know what you think of the new mic quality & if you like it or not
What happened to Add 1-2 reps and RAID each patch ? worked great in Classic and TBC
Why cant those just add cosmetics and everything has to drop gear that you need?
I think wow needs to stop making tons of new character power systems. Especially those that are time gated. It makes it feel like the game is playing me rather than the reverse.
MadSeason is one of my favorite WoW content creators. Seems like a genuinely good guy and has been around the block a time or two so he knows his stuff.
Sorry, but a game that restricts me from playing in a more eclectic style simply for RP purposes is doing something seriously wrong. Classic has the better idea, where depending on your chosen main spec and thus gear you equip you will restrict your playstyle but will be able to excel in all forms of gameplay as opposed to only excelling in one form of gameplay but you can do it with any playstyle (except actually in some instances you still can't because covenant abbilities can sometimes be targeted to a specific spec). Nothing about that system is fun in anyway and stop shilling for it. IT SUCKS! But you're right in terms of RP defining myself as a mythic + fury warrior is so much better than simply defining myself as a warrior… Is that there way of making up for completing destroying class identity over the years.
Keep it simple. Better base game.
No timers or race.
Less grind.
Hope it will be good like legion
Last epoch does this
Blue yetti rules got promo code madseason?
gratz man on the yeti sponsorship!
Sounds like I'm gonna be conflicted on choosing a covenant that best fits my character and what's meta for _ role for _ content. Then splash in post launch changes that'll force me to backtrack, lost time or face community isolation in higher tiered content..
Can't wait XD..
Why are you so terrified to show what you look like?
I love how your videos cured my insomnia.
next time, make a separate video for the ic or w/e youre getting paid to pedal
yeah the mic is too good.. it feels like you are asmr'ing me bro
The sound is GREAT, just keep distance please cause of the sound of your talking and breathing beat is so annoying.
and Thanks alot of the contents.
Your videos and you always make me feel like its 2005 and I'm enjoying my life again. Thank you.
I have to say it. The best sponsor presentation i have ever seen.
Thanks for the video. You are right about all the weekly events and reps. Got burned out in BFA and so far still have not bought SL and I don't really have a desire to do so yet.
Grats on your sponsor, thought you did a good job with it
Ayyyyy. Heard a bit of Diablo 3 music in there. <3
i usually skip adds but i like you enough to listen to what you have to say
I think of Shadowlands this way: "It can't be worse than BfA." God I really hated BfA…
Pilav send u a meseesge un his last video
if someone could come to my house and cave my skull in with a rock that'd be so nice
The big thing is there's only 2 things you can do daily which can give you power. Dungeons, and world quests.
Outro music 😭😭😭😭 needs to he louder!!!!!
Not to be a downer or anything but the mic you are promoting isn't sounding that great in your own videos 😂
Shadowlands has been the only xpac that I wasn’t excited to see come out and I think it’s because of my bad experiences in BFA.
god damn will they ever learn to not put timers on literally everything
just let people play the damn game
"You can set custom effects." M o n o t o n e {persistent lol for the rest of the video. Thank you for that.}
Nice abs
nice quality cheese bleu yeti. xD
Does this Mic also make my voice as sexy as yours?
Please go back to the old mic! The highs are way to clicky in this video, Its like your tongue is smacking around in my ear.
I hate to admit but that yeti ad got me interested, good job
Fun to play as the core concept, instead of endless treadmill grind?
Im not too sold on Torghast
you need a pop filter for your new mic.
Kinda wish Blizzard would stop releasing every bit of info about every system before an expansion even releases. Ruins the mystery and fun when the player next to me has been reading up on every single thing up to the release and is comparatively blowing through everything and its only launch week. Almost feels like I have to complete a research project for college unless I wanna be left behind, and it feels so unfun. This community that's all about hyper-optimization and doing everything as fast as they can is one of several reasons I don't take they game very seriously anymore.
another bunch of temporary features that makes more problems and are not fun… next expansion will throw then away.
I will get the mic if it gives me your voice online, lol.
I personally think it’s going to be like legion, quality wise. A solid 7.5-8/10.
You should be promoting their headphones. Best sounding headphones on the market. I still have mine from their original launch and they sound better than anything else I tried.
Since most of your viewers are also players and not streamers or uploading content. It would make more sense to promote a product most of them would use.
To all the Mic complaints/suggestions. I am betting you are still playing around with the settings to see which suits you the best. I have a Yeti microphone and have had it for years and I love that the mic has pickup options that you can select based on how you are using it. Once you figure that all out I am sure you will stop seeing the "complaints".
I'd rather pay 2k in gold to fly like in mist. I just can handle the bullshit of having to do a long ass grocery list. Now today they released a video of 5 things to do before shadowlands. Like I got the fucking time for that. I hate this fucking company.