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Outlaw Rogue 9.1 PvE Shadowlands Guide:
Outlaw Rogue 9.1 PvP Shadowlands Guide:
Assassination Rogue 9.1 PvE Shadowlands Guide:
Sub Rogue 9.1 PvE Shadowlands Guide:
3:20 "ill peel"
enemy team pops everything on the hunter
Dalaran tunnels the healer xD
Well, not easy to play against Venruki xD
There’s so many things that have no counter. I’m resto sham and whenever I go against two camo hunters who open up with 35k rapid shots after two aimed shots and I’m dead before I even know I’m being hit. Not very fun.
It also really doesn’t matter bc gear plays too. If of a role. No matter how good you are when you get killed instantly over and over until you get heated there’s really no point in even playing pvp.
Its fun but looong
So hyped !!!!
Solo q needs spec specific rating. This would allow non meta specs to have a format without punishing your team. Please blizz don't waste this opportunity.
Now don't lock Max Item level Gear behind rating
When someone leaves they should sit 1 player out in the full team each round. Just say if u have a hunter, dk, and Rdruid in one team. Then a rouge, warlock, Hpaly in another team. Then the rouge leaves round 1, they could sit a dps out, so lets just say the hunter. Then if the dk and Rdruid win, the dk would get the points aswell. Then they can shuffle the dps around to make sure everyone plays the same amount of rounds.
Idk how good of an idea this is, but I do know it's better than winning or losing instantly because someone left at the start.
Shoutout to Venruki and Cryzzbad in the video!
Whole point of playing arena is to grind that better ilvl gear not 35 honor. Why would anyone in his right mind spend 20 mins for 35 honor? What exactly are they testing here, the system or our mental health? Stop shilling.
We want 1v1 not solo que