My thoughts on WoW 10.2

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40 thoughts on “My thoughts on WoW 10.2”

  1. These people are so out of touch with there player base. Its insane to see how bad this expansions story is and the direction they are going. Also the reskin of frostmourne is crazy.

  2. Make wow 2. This game is way too outdated. People think it's minimal tweaks as the reason of people leaving. It's not. There are so many newer games that aren't sub based that are better. I'm still playing here and there but they're not getting new players as the game looks like a Play Station one game at this point. You can keep the same world and data from achievements, but they need to change the graphics engine to a modern engine and the style of gameplay. Nobody wants to keep track of 5000 weak auras anymore and I've been playing since 2009.

  3. To be honest I just came back to wow after quitting after mop due to bloat and direction and weirdly enough I’m loving it. Dreamsurge makes it easy to catch up, guildies are helpful, so many options to progress. Professions are awesome

  4. Just looks stale and copy+paste from the last few expansions. When they showed that first area i just imagined exactly what the quests will be. go pick up 5 pieces of paper lying around. kill 8 mobs in the area. ooo surprise theres a world quest to do in the area too. boring boring boring. i hope i am wrong

  5. Not bad, but nothing excited either. Adding shiny cosmetics is cool and stuff, but what's the point if I already have like 300 of them from the previous seasons and x-pacs. It's starting to look like a Fortnite wardrobe tbh, not an RPG

  6. Hasn't Fyrakk always been a bit of an asshole pyromaniac? I honestly cant tell the difference between him now and before he got corrupted. If anything he's just more willing to burn anyone who gets in his way, which includes his siblings now.

  7. When can i finally roll my Blood elf druid… You just added green hair for BE and neutral forms… is this the patch becuase it would make sense… is this finally it blizzard ?

  8. is it just me or wow podcasts now feel so boring and blunt… a few expansions ago i would be so hyped to see a podcast about any new content.. but now… they just deliver such boring things. Maybe it was just me who disconnected from the lore, warcraft is like 70% lore to me

  9. Why doesn’t asmon just work for WoW lol , he should be like 2nd in charge but only works from his cave QC checking what the peons at the office make


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