My Thoughts & Reaction To The Ion Hazzikostas Interview/Community Council Announcement

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Earlier today an interview with Ion Hazzikostas was released talking about the state of Shadowlands and what the future might hold.
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Intro: 0:00
Ion Hazzikostas Interview : 0:08
Community Council Announcement: 20:47


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22 thoughts on “My Thoughts & Reaction To The Ion Hazzikostas Interview/Community Council Announcement”

  1. Just dissolve the factions. I want no barriers to play. Trying to gear an alt is horrific right now. All the pros are doing 18+ keys and there’s nobody else in the Q (personally I think M+ is bad for the game as it puts off new/returning players, but that’s a whole other problem)

  2. I think wow players have normalised bad interviews, if you look at square enix, or arena net, their interviews are fun, passionate, open, deep deep details and discussion on game design two way discussion and ideas taken on board. So much more inspirational than any blizz interview ever.

  3. More lies from Ion and blizzard …. great. I gave up on the game 3 months ago after 12 years of active playing … i think its pretty much over with WoW at this point.

  4. I think the main reason people are so angry about Ion admitting they were wrong is because this is the third time in a row he;s doing it. Back when Legion ended he said in a Q&A that they were wrong about legendary acquisition and it was wrong of them to ignore feedback from the beta testers and that improving communications with the community would be their main priority. Then BFA happened and we all know how it went. And in the Q&A after BFA Ion said the same thing again, how the systems didnt work out how they imagined them, how they fucked up by not communicating with the community and how they are going to do better in the future. And then Shadowlands happened. At this point people simply don't trust Ion to not lie about this stuff after he lied about it twice in a row.

  5. admit mistakes……on my money!!! what if I would do a mistake and not pay sub?? I would have been canceled from the game…on their side? " I am sorry!" not enough , that's just plain stupid .

  6. After my 6th guild this expansion died, due to players quitting the game, I decided to quit. Mythic raiding is the only thing I enjoy in the game, and I can't do it because the player base is bleeding.

  7. Thanks for the vid! But mainly came to the comments to echo any others who mentioned that you should apply for the Community Council. I would feel worlds better about both the council and the future of the game if you were invited. Shadow Council og council ;). Hope you go for it man!

  8. There wasn’t one positive for the covenant locks, the game has evolved so much from the classic era restrictions. All of high end content is designed around min/max character builds, almost all the mythic boss fights and high mplus, a lot of encounters coming down to the last few percent of dmg on timed phases. It’s just a much different game then it was 15 years ago, and the high end players told them that and they ignored it all because of pride and ego.


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