My TOP 3 BEST World of Warcraft Private Servers in 2023

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With 2023 well under way, it is time to reveal my favorite World of Warcraft private servers to play on this year. This video is a follow-up to my over a year old video on the best WoW private servers of 2022. Few things have changed…

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0:00 Private servers in 2023
0:37 Honorable Mentions
4:23 Server 1
6:23 Server 2
7:46 Server 3
9:02 Conclusion on Private Servers


37 thoughts on “My TOP 3 BEST World of Warcraft Private Servers in 2023”

  1. I don't like Turtle WOW The community is very toxic and the gms for some reason don't throw out the toxic ones but if you say something they come to you to say that you are. They kind of remind me of RIOT and all those trashy companies haha.

    I do not recommend playing there. I have never seen such lousy GMs on any private server. It's a shame, at the beginning years ago they weren't like that and the community was clean, but they got bigger with the increase in players

  2. ascensions is totally fucked up. tried pvp with no classless but you have no chances against cunts with 5 stuns. they can permastun you for 7-8 sec and kill without problem. fucked up game

  3. I started with Ascension, currently on Whitemane. It was very strange when I asked around for challenge modes, barely a few knew what my problem was. They said: wrong server dude… I'm not saying the server is bad or anything, but without the debuff "incresed spell dmg taken by 500%, having only one life" it seems meaningless in a way, not challanging at least the leveling part

  4. its unfortunate warmane shot themselves in the foot by discontinuing frostmourne, talking about releasing a seasonal server with zero updates for 3 months. imagine their bottom line rn xD im deadddd.

  5. Any suggestions if I just want to go through as many dungeons/raids as possible? Preferably up to panda or further if they will be adding it and would be nice if I could solo it all or maybe with just a friend or 2 so dont have to worry about queueing/playerbase.

    Basically I just want to experience the main story as close to current as possible 🙂

  6. WARNING: Ascension for pvp, PVP is very hard in this server. and in area 52 free pick, is the hardest. and I believe it is even rigged. Too many things that occur in bgs, that make me go hmmm? For example, I don't donate much, and I am placed in a weak team about 70% of the time. The apposite team, besides being stronger, their healers can keep them alive almost indefinitely, It is even harder to kill them, because even if you have tons of CC like I do, they only need a split second to just zip out, a long distance back to their healer, that's why I say it is rigged.

  7. Leveling in Turtle is just a nightmare because of the quantity of people. U spend the most of the time waiting (annoyed and bored after hours of this) re-re-re-respown of things for quest, because of too much ppl on quest.

  8. WTF do you mean there is lack of pvp on turtle because it is vanilla?

    There is lack of pvp on turtle because it is crossfaction full of crybabies server.
    If you kill people in world then you will be kicked out of raids and dungeons. Because some crybaby will report you've been killing him. You killed someones quest mob? Too bad you will be kicked out of dungeon group for that ^^ Also most GMs on turtle play ally gnomes so if you kill gnome you wont find raiding group either ;D
    And ofcourse Alliance is constantly bluewalling. Bitches don't want to play flagged as pvp but they are very happy to backstab you when they feel safe.

    Turtlewow is nice concept but unfortunatley server was taken over by fat femminists with dyed hair.

  9. turtle wow is cool but there is an insane amount of chinese players right now, not that that's a bad thing in itself but it leads to massive que times to log in and tons of players that you basically won't be able to communicate with.

  10. Funny, I loved ascension when I played it a couple of years back or so, but I got sick of having to chase enchants for different builds. I am looking forward to CoA but like you wish they would get a move on, has been years now (was playing it before Ascension team even got their mits on it).

  11. f warmaine i dont want play 3.3.5 like some noob stay in past 17 years past from thats patch who play anymore some old loser guy even dont have good work and all time play 3.3.5 and bully to other on the game in realy like they are loser only loser play 3.3.5


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