Relaxing in my own private World of Warcraft server. My own private Azeroth. Don't watch!

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5 thoughts on “Relaxing in my own private World of Warcraft server. My own private Azeroth. Don't watch!”

  1. 5:03:26 – A random viewer hops on Jitsi asking what this "targeted individual" stuff is all about. Good conversation. Good guy.
    (No TIs. This isn't a paid perp, and agent, or anything else. This is just a random, curious guy who stumbled across my channel. I think his response is the typical response you'd hear from someone hearing about "gangstalking" for the first time.)
    6:11:09 – This is what "Absentminded Abe" said. Reprehensible TIs, dude. Absolutely disgusting people.
    7:08:13 – tip for watching shorts on youtube as a real video (with the slide bar)


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