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mistweaver #monk #mysticall Watch me live! Video going over the major reasons why Rogues are doing so much damage and …
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mistweaver #monk #mysticall Watch me live! Video going over the major reasons why Rogues are doing so much damage and …
Great video as always!
Great video! Thanks!!
You have the best UI i've ever seen. Great content as well. Tyvm
I got globaled today by an 18k Hunt with an 9K echo lol feelsgood
Nice video. I went Necrolord because of the lore and I'm not a competitive PvPer. Would that change anything?
week one has been a nightmare for monks 🙂
Nice video, question what PvP trinkets do you use?
Ahaha that was so fun, i swear can you make more video "best off" xD
I have the same issue with my RDruid :'(. Great vid though, very thankful for the explanation of the rogue opener damage!
Crazy good man
Hey can a fellow mistweaver help me out? I’m saving all my soul ash since week one as Ive moved back to alliance this expansion and couldn’t find a raiding guild in time (healer and tank slots are normally taken) so I decided instead of pugging I’d focus on m+. But now after reading LFR wing 3 won’t be out for many months to come I won’t get tears of morning in time 🙁 yu lons whisper or teachings?
Pro games gg
Great Intro, I felt that! 😀 Btw, I plan to do mainly RBG's and Random Battlegrounds for fun + just a little bit of arena this expansion (I have chosen Kyrian by now). Do you think Venthyr is viable for this, or Kyrian is just way better in sense of survivability? Thanks in advance man! 🙂
Thinking about playing monk again but there are AGAIN in not the best position in PvP
Thanks for another vid. Def accelerating my learning curve
how to survive rogues, let blizz nerf them to the ground, done!!
This rogue needs to put some respect on my name yeesh
HAHHAA just the video I was looking for I've been getting gate kept against rmp at 2k cr
nice you got us again ty. How you got Evasion etc on the Healthbar?
How to survive against rogues:
step1: dont play MW