Mythic Hungering Destroyer! – Restoration Druid PoV – Castle Nathria – World of Warcraft Shadowlands

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Hello everyone! This was the 3rd Boss that we killed on the Mythic Difficulty of the Castle Nathria Raid in the Shadowlands Expansion.

I definitely could have done better here. I misused some Cooldowns and in general made questionable rotation decisions. It was good enough to get the kill, however, which I am very happy about. This Boss took us a while. It is generally a 50-60 pull Boss but took us a bit longer as we only raid 2 days a week and our Mechanics / people understanding the fight were not great from the outset. It definitely took some practice for everyone to totally understand when to soak and when not to soak so that our stacks didn’t get too high. On the bright side we have a new Priest healer who absolutely pumped on this fight and even destroyed me in Healing, which definitely helped us to get the kill. A couple of pulls before this one we actually hit the enrage timer, so we knew that we knew the mechanics, and just needed a bit more damage to defeat it in time. We popped Vantus Runes right before our break and then killed it in 3 pulls or so after the break, which was quite nice. Anyways, I hope that you enjoy this video and find it useful in some way. Thanks for watching! =)


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