Mythic+ is a MESS | World of Warcraft: The War Within BETA

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As is seems, Xal’atath’s Bargain: Ascendant is just as $#!% as it seemed. Augmentation evokers rule the world!

Discord: cptcrack
Twitch: CAPT_Crack


1 thought on “Mythic+ is a MESS | World of Warcraft: The War Within BETA”

  1. Is there any counterplay to this? No, not really

    Lmao, def CD not used, you are casting instead of running, too bad there is nothing like feet on fire that could help you outran it…
    Too bad lock doesn't have a teleport they can cast and then tp to it to blink over the beam

    Cry less, get good, crying never made anyone a better player you whining lil womp womp boy


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