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For entertainment purposes only. Don’t take tier list that seriously. Just my take on the state of classes going into World of Warcraft The War Within Mythic Plus Season 1 as of 2.5 weeks until launch. Classes will probably change before then and this is irrelevant.
Thank you Adley for the thumbnail.
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Keep the uploads coming! You're awesome, and so are your videos man! ✨️
BM overperform a little because of a talent bugg, they eignt fix the bugg but hard nerf too dead, soon as the fix the bug Bm will be the deadest specc in history of wow
I just did over 100 mythic+ on the 5+ 20+ AND honestly the worst of all is mage
Stealth on assa its not that important anymore as people might think…
Bear in last place 😳 pretty sure Prot Pally is the worst tank atm
Interresting … you're the 1st I see that says bear not that good, Dk seems ok not OP and Pal OP not the weakest of tank.
how is enh shaman better than rogue? its litrally worse in all scenarios
Ele is so cluncky its not good anymore the procs on lava surge is what killed it more then anything. Not about the numbers its just how it feels to play.
Weird ret positioning… They jus took a double digit ST damage nerf. Pretty bad now actually 🙁