Mythic Sun King's Salvation! – Restoration Shaman – Castle Nathria – World of Warcraft Shadowlands

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Hello everyone! This was the 4th Boss that we killed on the Mythic Difficulty of the Castle Nathria Raid in the Shadowlands Expansion.

So I know that there’s already 5 bajillion Resto Shaman videos out there for this boss, but you’re going to get another one. I know that most of you watch for the Resto Druid content, but unfortunately I wasn’t able to play my Druid on this fight just because of how much stronger Shaman’s are at direct-healing Kael. I was doing more healing to Kael and more overall HPS than our other Resto Druid on mine, but he did not have a geared Resto Shaman Alt and I do. At the end of the day I’m happy to do whatever we need to do to get the kill for the guild, so it’s no biggie, but it does kind of bother me that my Druid is only 3/10M now and that I couldn’t show you guys how I would have healed this on my Druid. Anyways, I’m glad that we finally got this boss killed because it took us way longer than it should have. We are a 2-day, (7 hours a week minus breaks), Guild, but most of us have a pretty solid track record of keeping up with the 3-day guilds on a lighter schedule, and we did not here.
The hardest part at first was just the sheer numbers required. You generally want to push the first Kael Healing phase before 45 seconds into the fight to skip the Rockbound Vanquisher, so strong direct-heals are required, hence the swap to Resto Shaman for this fight. We also had our Shadow Priest swap to Holy for the extra Guardian Spirit for the 60% increased Healing Received on Kael and the extra Power Infusion, which I got along with an Innervate during my Ascendance window. Other players have to be really good on the Pedestals as well as off-healing Kael and the Essence Fonts. Originally we had the Healers use Intellect Potions to ensure that we pushed the phase, but we were super out-of-mana by Phase 3 so ended up using our Potions of Spiritual Clarity for the Mana instead once we could make the push without them. We were also initially lusting in P1 just to heal him in time and see more of the fight, but once we made the swap to 2 Holy Priests we didn’t need to do that either and were able to use lust in P3 to clean up the adds and push the phase faster.
The other hard part was just breaking the shields on the Shade in time during P2/P4. You have a very short period of time to burst down the absorb before it 1-shots the raid. Once we mapped cooldowns and got a couple extra weeks of gear we got much better at it though. Besides that the fight isn’t too bad. The stacking / baiting during Phase 2/4 is easy, and with a Warlock with the Corruption Slow Legendary, or a DK for Chains of Ice, plus several Druids for Ursol’s Vortex / Typhoon the Phoenixes are pretty easily managed. The Adds can get a little out of control in Phase 3, and cleaning them all up before entering Phase 4 is super important. Also pushing that Phase before the Infusers spawn in Phase 3 requires a lot of healing, but nothing that 2 Guardian Spirits, 2 Power Infusions, and 2 Ascendances can’t manage.
I definitely didn’t play perfectly here. For one I realized after watching this back that I forgot to reapply my Water Shield for the extra mana, which would have definitely helped. I also forgot to Riptide Kael at the start of Phase 3 for the extra 20% healing from the Deluge Talent, so we should have pushed a little faster. I also got hit by Fiery Strike and in general took some unnecessary damage. My overall HPS was fairly low, and I did not parse well, but I was really just there to heal the heck out of Kael’thas, and I achieved that by being the top Kael healing of our healers (barely). I know that 1.42 million healing to Kael as a Resto Shaman isn’t amazing, but for an Alt with relatively low ilvl and poor itemization I was happy with it, and hey, it was good enough to get the kill.
Anyways, thanks for watching and I hope that you find this video useful in some way =)


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