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Shadowlands Season 2 Mythic+ Tier List.
Based on the popularity of Specs at lower keys, the popularity of Specs at higher keys, the presence in the absolute Top Tier of groups, as well as the changes these specs incurred from Season 1 to now, and which of the Specs have changed trends, in positive or in negative.
00:00 The Old Times of Mythic+
04:48 The Current Times of Mythic+
07:02 Meta Tierlist: Where to Start
09:22 Meta Tierlist: From +2 to +16 and from +17 Onwards
11:15 Meta Tanks: Druid & Monk
12:15 Meta Healers: Paladin & Shaman
13:38 Meta Ranged: Frost, Arcane, Elemental & Balance
15:58 Meta Melee: Subtlety, Outlaw, Havoc & Windwalker
18:41 Meta Tierlist: What do you think is different?
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First :3 Ok guys I got +10 key lf VENTHYR PALADIN ONLY no other healer please thanks
Hiiii, i play survival Hunter. Please Upload your videos on a Podcast app or something similar!!! PLEASEEE
Izen Hart being ok with surv being B tier, it's further confirmation that it's the Year of the Spear
you gonna do FF14 content?
i dont think retri is the worst spec for m+. in s1 untill 17 key i havent encountered any problem.
Fury for sure A tier. That B tier ranking is absurd. Too many Dog meat warriors making me look bad.
i push 20s and im venthyr vengeance. The covenants is each unique, and while kyrian is bis for consistant aoe dmg. Then the others also can benefit. Depending on your playstyle.
In my opinion, this kind of lists have some problems. They create a meta and prevent the meta from changing. For example BM hunter. At the moment I am playing +15 keys, and I am doing very well. If I am the dd with the lowest dps, then the key will be +2 or +3. But because BM hunter is ranked extremly low in the tier lists there is no chance to get an invite to +16 or +17 keys. So even when I am applying for an hour or more, I didn't manage to get invited to such a key. For me this means that being low on a tier list prevents from getting higher on the list because people fear that they might not time the key because of a weak class or spec.
This week I tried to create a group and when the tank saw that I am BM he said: "Oh a BM we won't time the key". And the he left and the group broke apart.
as a non meta spec, that end ups seeing boomies doing 4.7k dps at the end of the dungeon, with me at 8k, the other dps at 7.4k, i'm feeling very frustrated.
5:40 amazing door of shadows my lord izen
Prot pala gang checking in.
I would say arms warrior is quite strong at mythic + cause of the st that some bosses need and has a nice aoe and cleave! By the way i play fury/arms warrior, should i reroll to something else more "safe" or stick with my warrior and try more?
what simulation yall using
what is that math tho? a higher percentage in the higher keys doesnt mean more people are playing in those key lol wtf are they doing in the list
Kyrian Arcane mage outshines frosts in very different ways
Unholy DK needs a buff.
my team legit found a hunter cause we needed a kyrian but not any hunter, a survival hunter which performs pretty good actually. If anyone has a survival hunter in storage somewhere, give it a shot
Welp, as a feral druid, I'm feeling pretty solid with my +17s already done.
Izen can you please conver the current blizzard issues with the lawsuit? I enjoy your content and I value your opinions on things related to blizzard, I think you've always been quick to talk to us about shit that matters and this matters greatly.
Arms and Fury Kyrian should probably be much higher honestly (in the last graph)
The best SV Hunter content on YouTube.
This is one of your best videos!
For Sub rogues M+ you play Finality Legendary not obedience. For Meta.
For raid you can play Obedience.
I would like to reroll my warrior for a better class in m+ and raid but i rly don't know what to reroll it for any suggestions?
I’m playing BM and been topping meters in 15s
Well i thought i would do better with my retri pala 😭 but im doing fine walking with randoms only and did my first +16 yesterday 💪
with development at WOW now halted, now is the time to do content for FF14…..nothing more to squeeze out of WOW.
I have just uninstalled and unsubbed from wow. I am going to unsub from your channel as well. Not because I don't like your content, because I really do like it. But because this stupid game has consumed to much of my life and I am not going to give it any more. Wow is a toxic piece of shit and there is no point in grinding away your life on something so shit. Good luck @izen hart
dude, why didnt you mention survial?? it survived the high key, beating the other 2 rogues, 2 dks, arms, and ret.. whats up with the hate bro…
To my night fae elemental brothers, be sure to combo ancestral guidance with your fae transfusion heal. It's just lay on hands for your whole team
I wonder how much of a factor lust/hero plays into this?