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0:00 – Tank Winners
1:36 – Tank Recap
2:00 – Melee Winners
2:53 – Melee Losers
4:25 – Wildcard Melee
4:58 – Melee Recap
5:25 – Ranged Winners
7:00 – Ranged Losers
8:08 – Ranged Recap
8:38 – Healer Winners
9:34 – Healer Losers
10:09 – Healer Wildcard
10:51 – Healer Recap
#skillcapped #worldofwarcraft #dragonflight
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As an arms warrior, I don't feel so good. Tierset is not doing much.
How is frost dk that bad?
So i play devestation as main and my problem is, that hes the forgotton older brother from the augmention evoker. The set is not good for m+ and noone likes you bc aug is OP. Could you maybe talk about the Problem?
I wish they will buff some of the B tier classes. Also hwo is that all 3 rogues spec areat the top, like wtf. Rather than nerfing gice me so major buffs.
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I would NEVER place Affly above Ele lmao, affly is literally bottom.
"Superficial buffs to Holy Priest…" 🤣
Not me, being a frost dk
Dk is a joke to blizzard…
Disc priest being S tier is a meme, pretty alpha of you to keep up the bait xD
This type of videos is exactly why wow is dying. tryhards
I've always tended toward agi specs. Spoiled for choice this season sin and enh are too much fun
STOP making videos about 'META' ppls don't take my alts like ww monk or another 'bad dps' in LOW KEYS! cz they sooooo dumb and dont unerstand what is meta
actually means!!!
The melee recap is wild, seeing one class in s, two in A, and rogue being in the a slots, and everything else at b or c, poor death knights.
whoever is "hard casting" on a Hpally isnt doing it right! lmfao
man… even the "so called" pro's in todays wow are absolutely clueless!!!
get educated elsewhere if your being told to hard cast as a Hpal!!!🙄🙄🙄😴😴😴😴
divinity and tyr's are the only hard casts on a hpal currently!!!
I don't know you but i'm being an absolute monster as Elemental.
There isn't a single class that does more dps than me on M+ except DH
as a top 150 unholy dk we are deff moving up in ranks. once we get this leggo watch out
As a top 50 affliction warlock we need some love. Barely anybody is playing the spec and it caps at 24 keys. Anything above that it’s hard to keep up and kill add/bosses fast enough
I am sick of going into 18 and I see a fucming 429 healer looking for a carry like bro start off small before you fuck a entire team up lol 😂
When did the League of Legends tier list voice get here? HOW MUCH HAS CHANGED
I still really really wish warrior was better overall
Just make Frost DKs just like Ret Pallys, thematically they are opposites BOOM problem solved .
WW monk will be trash foever until they fix its secondary scaling.
I was really surprised enhance wasn't higher in the first list but I guess dh and rogue really just makes everyone else look irrelevant on the meters and most players don't really notice the control or prio damage enhance brings
Am i see ling this right? Havoc is not in melee winners
Balance druids needs to down 2 tiers it’s horrid tier and only good in 21+ keys and only if ppl pull big groups
Placing Aff ahead of Elemental – you obviously don’t play either spec nor know anyone who does
This list is clearly made for players going in 25+ keys, which is like 1% of player base, maybe less. I play ele shaman up to 20-21 keys and top the dps meters 90% of the time. The only time I don't is when there's a dh I the group. So my advice to anyone watching this video to ignore this bs and play what u like.
Skill capped I love the videos but I do agree with some others. This tier list is for the best of the best. You're mentioning utility to deal with mechanics and things that ppl in 15s don't even think about.
Sometimes I still have trouble not being the only person to kick spellcaster😂 in 11+
DH IS BUSTED. 2 piece of the tier = so much dmg with just 1 button press.
You seem absolutely clueless about arcane mage. I run 20-25+ arcane overalls are around 380k dps dramatically out doing fire and frost. Arcane gives havoc dh a absolute run for its money in overall not to mention in tyrannical the different between a 600k single tar dps and a 200k single tar dps is LEAGUES I suggest everybody give it a shot, arcane/havoc/aug/disc/x you will race through mid tier keys (20-24)s
no way they are ranking affliction higher than spriest xD
I wonder what kind of data you used that placed Frost DK C tier, and for example Windwalker above it. Thanks in advance 🙂
Absolutely bullshit ranking that is not the reality. In what world is affliction better than elemental & shadow or sub rogue better than fury.
1 minute of annoying bs at the start of the video means i thumbs down and click away. please change that. retention matters
I wonder how much better BM needs to be before you put it above the rest of the A tier. Their dmg is kind of insane.
Elemental shaman still being in C tier for Mythic + is honestly 100% correct. why play that spec in Mythic+ when you can go enhancement? blizzard really needs to fix elemental and soon
Fury and arms needs a lott love. Almost zero utlity and fury is capped at 1+4 targets with 4 only taking 55% of the damage. But so many classes have larger caps or a spft cap at 5 that isnt slashed by 50% of damage.
I tried vengence and it's a lot more harder to learn compared to prot paladin
warriors and and UH to B and frost DK to C? Wtf is this video?
I haven't touched the game in DF, can someone explain to me how the Evoker Rdps spec is S tier but does low damage in meters?
Frost dk is way better
Youre saying people dont rhink demos are good? Everyone knows demo is good theres another reason why they arent played, jesus
holy paladin dps seems to be significantly lower than any other healers