I'm not gonna lie, I'm a PROUD Horde main, and I HATED Nathanos for being such an asshole to us Horde champions. I took great PLEASURE in having the chance to beat his ass up, and oh yeah…. while on my tauren dk main, I SO teabagged his corpse
apparently loving someone makes you a simp now lol. smh you guys are using it wrong. Read the dark mirror lore book and you'll understand what sylvanas and Nathans have been through together.
Просто чтобы вы понимали, Натанос-это по сути самый живучий персонаж и самый главный врага для Альянса. Игроки Альянса за все время сражались с ним аж 5 раз, 5!!!! При этом он аж 3 раза умирал( ну это 3-й). Мне кажется, ему не то, что пофиг на смерть, он уже существует ради смерти
Tonight I'm going to piss right into the ashes of your rotten tree… FU, Tyrande Highheelswind, he was a greater hero than you ever will be. And we will remember him…
Maybe I've watched too much of Austin from the Game Theory channel, but what the heck is this!? How much force was in that arrow that it sent Nathanos FLYING backwards AT LEAST like 2 meters if not more (honestly looks more like it could be 4 or 5 meters)? How much muscle would Tyrande have to have to use a bow with that much of a draw strength? What is this bow and bow string made of to be able to handle that? How did this arrow have that much force, yet somehow it didn't just pierce straight through him like a bullet?
I'M SO CONFUSED!!!!!!!!!!!!
He's even flying through the air perfectly horizontally (without any drop) after the impact for a solid 2 seconds… Someone do the math for me and figure this out…
After the death of varian wrynn, the horde's people are those who have suffered the most and blizzard doesnt seem to care much… Horde lives matter!!! #HLM
So Tyrande ganked Nathanos with low health after fighting a raid mob all by himself? Typical Alliance.
I'm not gonna lie, I'm a PROUD Horde main, and I HATED Nathanos for being such an asshole to us Horde champions. I took great PLEASURE in having the chance to beat his ass up, and oh yeah…. while on my tauren dk main, I SO teabagged his corpse
Ah she should have done something tht would stop Nathanos getting into the maw
apparently loving someone makes you a simp now lol. smh you guys are using it wrong. Read the dark mirror lore book and you'll understand what sylvanas and Nathans have been through together.
love how we got him down to 20% for her and everybody's still acting like tyrande is a bad ass lmao.
where is the blood???
Nathanos is one of my favourite characters ever, props to his voice actor.
Просто чтобы вы понимали, Натанос-это по сути самый живучий персонаж и самый главный врага для Альянса.
Игроки Альянса за все время сражались с ним аж 5 раз, 5!!!! При этом он аж 3 раза умирал( ну это 3-й).
Мне кажется, ему не то, что пофиг на смерть, он уже существует ради смерти
not thr doggies
Tonight I'm going to piss right into the ashes of your rotten tree… FU, Tyrande Highheelswind, he was a greater hero than you ever will be. And we will remember him…
I'm also not sure how an arrow sends you flying 20 feet backwards either.
Or where Tyrande's bow disappears to after she fires the shot.
More and more, Blizz is making me want an animated Warcraft series.
Tyrande is a hunter/sentinel/druid/priest 😂
Who’s the “he” Nathanos is referring to. It’s the Jailer, right? Last time i check Malfurion is still alive.
I hoped that she would cast a lunar blast or something so powerful it would completely obliterate him, body and soul….
50/50 chance Tyrande does something crazy which causes her to be a 2nd-patch raid boss in her quest to end Sylvannas
This is the second cinematic that has had hunters dual wielding. Removing equipment slots back in MoP removed a lot of rpg from the game.
Maybe I've watched too much of Austin from the Game Theory channel, but what the heck is this!? How much force was in that arrow that it sent Nathanos FLYING backwards AT LEAST like 2 meters if not more (honestly looks more like it could be 4 or 5 meters)? How much muscle would Tyrande have to have to use a bow with that much of a draw strength? What is this bow and bow string made of to be able to handle that? How did this arrow have that much force, yet somehow it didn't just pierce straight through him like a bullet?
I'M SO CONFUSED!!!!!!!!!!!!
He's even flying through the air perfectly horizontally (without any drop) after the impact for a solid 2 seconds… Someone do the math for me and figure this out…
Nathanos is hands down one of my fave WoW characters, for voice acting alone – nice to see a villain have a satisfying end for once
Tyrande: I’m not stuck in the Maw with you, you’re stuck in the Maw with ME
Aaww, one of My favorite characters die? :c
Oh Well, gonna be interesting to play when I get around to it
hate this tyrande
You do realize she did exactally what he wanted her to do.
The cringe cinemetic needed to shut up the ally cesspit that is r/wow
And nothing of value was lost.
After the death of varian wrynn, the horde's people are those who have suffered the most and blizzard doesnt seem to care much…
Horde lives matter!!! #HLM
I'm 100% Horde but damn, Tyrande is a badass as the Night Warrior!
Thanks for giving him the shortcut Tyrande. God she is oblivous. What a terrible character she is lmao.
his beard clips through the weapon
Tyrande follows Illidans footsteps more and more
nathanos, my simp brother in arms
Demon Huntyrande
Nathan’s might be a huge simp but we can’t deny he has hit it multiple times
Wait, did a Hunter just lost to a priest on a melee combat?
Nerf Priests
I don't get it. At the end they gave just a nice hug to each other? Or why no blood at all on that blades at 02:18 ???