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Hey guys, today with an updated Covenant Guide for all Mage Specs. I’ll give you my opinions on which is the best Covenant at the moment and after that I’ll defend my opinion. It’s going to be a bit longer video, since I’ll be going through all the Covenants for each spec. I tested a lot on the dummies and I have similar results as the newest
I hope you guys enjoy this type of a video and let me hear your thoughts in the comment section. Which Covenant are you going to pick and why? Of course if you have any additional questions I’ll gladly answer them.
Link to Simulations Page:
0:00 Introduction
0:50 My Choice
1:07 Arcane Covenant Pick
4:10 Arcane Conclusion
4:34 Fire Covenant Pick
7:37 Fire Conclusion
8:12 Frost Covenant Pick
10:34 Frost Conclusion
11:12 PvP Section
11:50 Grand Conclusion
Thank you for watching, see you in the next video 🙂
First mage here wooo
Thanks for the guide. Keep up the good work!
The uncertainty of what spec wont be gutted and the choice of you're covonents could be detriment come raid release is so annoying
Found this channel just recently. Thank you so very much for the deep dive! This is exactly what I needed to be able to go into Shadowlands with a plan in mind. Subscribed as well!
Similar for me i raid and m+ on frost but also want the flex to play all specs so will go NF and i also like the zone and mobility indoors.
honestly i'm thinking of just making 4 mages, one for each covenant, so the Maldraxxus one will be useless
As someone who leans more toward pvp, venthyr or kyrian would be my choice, likely the former. Mirrors of torment is amazing. As for kyrian, it would be the more defensive option, as the phial seems to be a much needed on demand self heal/cleanse.
Seems like Kyrian is the best for Fire with Conduits and Soulbinds….
Thanks for vid! Do you know what the go-to spec early raiding and m+ is? After all the nerfs to frost…?
appreciate it as always bro, thanks.
Hey im German and Unterstand Not Good My fault sorry. Ma Question is what is the beste Covenent for PvE for the Frost Mage in 1-2-3 Target. I can understand this in your Video im so sorry…
Thank you for the nice overview and ranking. I made up my mind and will go for Night Fae for at least the early expansion. Because I want to at least get the story of Ven'thyr I will level my other mage and go Frost.