NEW Dark Ranger Do LOOK Better… A Visual Look – World of Warcraft: The War Within

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A new build came out a little while ago on the PTR, the 11.0.5 Patch that is coming next(soon™) and with it a lot of class changes. I do care most about Hunters, so I do cover that(and then we take it even further as mostly Marksman Hunters) so I made a video with some of the visual changes to Dark Ranger with some descriptions of the new talents. Also the new Lunar Storm animation for Sentinel Hunters AND, new Volley and Rapid Fire visuals. Edit: So the Rapid Fire Visuals doesn’t seem to have been visualised yet. Withering Fire is the new big talent for Dark Ranger Hunters as it spawns shadow-tendrils behind your back just like Sylvanas Banshee form.

*For Beastmasters to trigger Withering Fire: Every 4 casts of Bestial Wrath

For more visuals of the Dark Ranger:

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About me: I have been a World of Warcraft player since 2006 and I have played in every aspect of the game. Nowadays I am very casual, but the love and care for the game is still there 🙂
I got more than a year played as Hunter…. Not a brag!

I am regularly making content from World of Warcraft and other games and will continue to do so in the next expansion, The War Within!

The War Within
World of Warcraft
Wow Hunter
Hunter Hero Talents
Dark Ranger
Dark Ranger WoW
Patch 11.0.5

NEW Dark Ranger Do LOOK Better… World of Warcraft: The War Within


44 thoughts on “NEW Dark Ranger Do LOOK Better… A Visual Look – World of Warcraft: The War Within”

  1. Lunar storm looks more fluid and natural than boomkins' very outdated Fury of Elune which has a very harsh starting point in the sky and looks like someone took a marker and drew it downwards. Hopefully they apply this style to an update to our abilities from the sky.

  2. You can easily do dungeons and raids to get gear and appearances that can make your void elf or blood elf look more like a dark ranger . You're wearing the normal gear like when a character gets leveled up with the boost.

  3. People asked for a bit more visuals so made this:

    To adress the Rapid Fire: First of, great that you give feedback! Second, you guys are correct, sorry for the confusion. I actually had a bit lower graphics on the PTR one compared to the live one so I thought Rapid Fire Hit effect looked more streamlined(pun) but it is the same. I used two hours now to check it 🙂 It is supposed to have changed as of the recent development notes, but it might just not be in yet.

    Thanks all for the comments and likes, as a small content creator it gives me an idea on what to do to make better videos, so appreciate that.

  4. It would be great if disengage made you fade out and back in all shadowly like Sylvanus, rather than the little hop.

    Also would just love it if aimed shot had a hint of shadow to it. Seeing your arrow build up shadow as you're casting it would be dope.

  5. Blizzard. If you make more effort in making cool combat animations, you will 100 % gain waaay more gamers.

    For example: How can the hunter shoot 1 arrow up, then randomly it falls down as 100 arrows in the circle area? So sloppy and looks boring. At least if you made her shoot A LOT of a arrow in a good animations style up, it would look more plausible.
    Same goes for all other character animations. Unlogical, unaesthetic, uncreative and boring.

  6. honestly they just should give us a passiv talent that completely change visual and damage from physical to shadow, like a volley yhat becomes a shadow volley, rapid fire that becomes shadow, explosive shot from fire to shadow and maybe when we use disengage we have something like dk's wrath walk but banshee like. Idk there is a lot of thing to do with this spec and they look like they have no idea what to do with

  7. Dark ranger needs huge visual overhaul, it’s extremely lazy that they did minimum effort on this, dunno why when it comes to hunter it’s always half arsed same with all their new transmog and gear, always skulls never anything Elegant that a ranger would wear.

  8. In the right direction but more edgy like more purple. the arrows have be like a dark purple flame effect almost flamboyantly obnoxious. When I hit true shot buff I want people know dps are coming.

  9. IMO they are trying to cram too many different fantasies into the one hunter class. We need at least one other ranged bow using class. From Warcraft lore they’ve taken some things from head hunters, dark ranger, far striders, beast master, wardens, and dwarf sharp shooter. All that can’t fit into one class and not be lackluster. They can’t go to deep Into any one fantasy without affecting the others

  10. animation and skill effects-wise, WoW is reeeeeaaaaly boring, i wish they would make some efforts to make the combat looks more entertaining and cool, and with a little more inpact feeling

  11. Soooo cool ! Cant wait for the new rapid fire effect to be visualisable, I don't like the current one (it was downscale of this one in Legion, it was much better, but now if we can have a brand new one, it could be even better, hope it will not only be a simple vibe like steadyshot ^^' I really like the Final shot mood, or like detonate shot).
    Thanks !

  12. I disagree. Everything looks too woke now. I'm really disappointed in the artwork. Video games need to bring back the artwork where the male characters look masculine and the females have defining features.


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