NEW Hunter REWORK is AMAZING… Here's Why

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Watch live at: Here are my initial thoughts on the brand new Hunter Rework going in to The War …


45 thoughts on “NEW Hunter REWORK is AMAZING… Here's Why”

  1. Man, I CAN. NOT. WAIT to gives my main some love 🙂 BM/SV for life!
    one thing you didn't mention, SV got their mastery completely reworked, making them do more damage and take less damage when around the pet (which "should" be most of time, with a grace period of "i think" 10s if your move away from your pet that is needed to maintain the buff!)
    Great Video as always 🙂

  2. Maybe this is when I finally go Survival? This is looking good.

    And also, Vespera-dude. You are very good at this. Ive seen how you play every spec up to a great level. My brain cant even… And your delivery is clear and good.

  3. This is what passes for a rework in WoW? Man yall probably lose your shit when someone you know gets a haircut or puts a different shirt on. What did blizz do to you :c

  4. @VesperalTV I totally agree most of things what you wish for (I dont think there will be more changes tho, Blizz hates hunters) but as long as we dont have pet independent bloodlust (being the only class punished for BL is a joke) AND as long as we still have literally zero utility hunter will be a meme class for m+, only get invites for pugs if its top dps (i mean literally, cause the other classes have utility too…).

  5. I’ll leave the biggest tip I can give to any new inspiring survival hunter with the new talents, there’s a talent called Outland Venom this makes all damage over time effects increase your critical strike damage by 2% per dot. If you go into that with the focus of stacking crit as your main stat as well as go into pack leader for the extra bleed and steel trap for the extra dot you’ll be looking for BIG damage windows when all your dots and bleeds are on a target. This mostly is optimal for single target boss fights not m+. In mythic+ you have to use sentinel it does too much damage and then you focus on bombs! Happy hunting 💪🏼

  6. WOuld you not want Fenryr all the time, and not Hati? Yes, 15% damage increase from pets is nice and dandy, but fenryr does not ONLY apply a big dot and give you 10% haste, it also should trigger basilisk collar, which is the same effect, just 5% less. and I think those 5 % are well under 10% haste and the dot. The duration seems to be the same, 8 second dot, 8 second dire beast activity, so there is no difference. am I missing something?

  7. I had completely abandoned Hunter midway through DF, because of their low survivability. Now I'm back at picking it up again hehe. 🙂

    I'd hate if the Explosive Trap was changed to a knock-up though, so an extra talent to change it as an option, would be better. Otherwise us WPvPers would loose our favourite WPvP spell, for killing people with fall damage. 😅 Same for BGs that has fall damage kills incorporated.

    Also, Roar of Sacrifice, I'd hate it being changed since us PvPers use it as a important talent. Maybe give it a "toggle option", to give it a better PvE version. 🤔 Win/Win

  8. For the Lone Wolf Talent, keep in mind there is another bonus on the general Hunter tree where u get more Haste aswell when u dont have a pet on your side (is also available as Surv)

  9. I didn't need to watch any further than the update to Survival of the Fittest as just this one change is absolutely massive……but no doubt Blizzard will find some way of punishing us before TWW actually releases 🤣

  10. Super random question, what monitor/s do you have? Debating starting streaming wow but stuck in the beautiful circle of doubt – lack of confidence – pessimism – repeat

  11. i am happy with the MM hunter, BM and survival are the great winners (specially Surv) but at least MM feels nice, they fixxed some problems, we feel more tanky but man… i would like more skills, i would like Wailling arrow to be a whole diferent skill to time it with some big pulls and be usefull for the party.

    Also, i honestly hope they change the god damn hero talents, those for hunters are just lame bunch of passives


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