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Today, we have MAJOR lore to cover. Blizzard have revealed key details about the fall of K’aresh, homeworld of the Ethereals, and Azeroth.
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My body is ready for Ethereal Allied race.
BET: Alleria has been pumped full of void energy to make her compatible as a VESSEL FOR dimensius.
It was literally the same plan Sargeras had for Illidan's body but we foiled that–this is there chance to show what happens when a big bad succeeds with that plan. And a void lord can't manifest in reality, what better way than a vessel? From there he's as close to Azeroth as he needs to be to drain the full power of the world soul and manifest entirely—same plan Sargeras had but failed.
Similar vein–a font of power is needed to connect to the world soul/form a portal to other dimensions….isn't it suspicious that we're revisiting the SUNWELL in midnight? Which….was under void attack the second alleria(a void vessel) got close? She basically just scouted it out for dimensius lol. And I'm sure similar to how ICC was a mechanism to drain the world soul, would BET ON It that the sunwell can be used in the same manner.
The void is going to put both Sargeras' and Zovaals' plans together to connect zereth umbra and make a bridge straight to the heart of Azeroth, bleed it for energy to sustain a full form void lord in reality.
I'd argue we see a return of the O.G. vessel–medivh at that point. He mentioned a cosmic conflict, it's time to shine when they finally have a player on the board.
The zereths are gates separating the dimensions from reality, surely each has a pantheon. We know death had BOUND themselves to the construction of the realm itself which Zovaal was fighting tooth and nail to break. But the void isn't trying to remake reality, it's trying to consume….all of it. Kind of sounds like a devourer got into the pantheon of void but I'm sure that'll come up later….(Also probably not a coincidence the automa also were being converted to flesh by the devourers…. 🤔)
The big question to ask is–do the ethereals connect with the BROKERS?!
Can't help but see a parallel there….inter dimensional, formless and immortal, all knowing brokers of space and magic. Can't help but think the twisting nether, the great dark beyond, and the in-between may not just be vast expenses of infinity….but blend together somewhere along the way….
Dimensius I will kick you out of Azeroth…so turn back 🖕
Dimensius actually wasnt a dungeon boss, thats Pandemonius in Mana-Tombs. Dimensius was part of a quest chain in Netherstorm, I think at the end of a long quest chain iirc.
Hold on, if World Souls aren't naturally titans, where did all the arcane on Ka'resh come from? Isn the suspicion that leylines are titans infusing Azeroth with Order?
Necron vibes
So the Lore about the Ethereals is more or less a shortend copy of the Warhammer 40k Necron Story. They even have a Nexus-King
Still no enhancement shaman news
find it very interesting that that the Ethereals and Brokers share quite a bit in common. The whispy like energy they are made of. Both into collecting. And the fact we have K'aresh and Tasavesh. cant just be a coincidence that both sound similar.
wtf, Jaina never mentioned to check out sponsors. Why are you so unreliable in your research?
this was in the dark heat quest. not war withing zones
I am actually looking forward to the lore for the upcoming World Saga. I really hope all of these naysayers are proven wrong. So let the hate begin I guess.
Best thing about all this? Every tiny step we make in this direction pushes us closer and closer to the thing players have been wanting since BC: Playable Etherials!
So if big D is basically a voidy Galactus I wonder what our Ultimate Nullifier is going to be?
Void portals opening around the world nuking every5ging with void, sounds like a Midnight expansion eh?
You just ruined Dark Heart – glad I've done it
Corrupting Sunwell AGAIN would be a very boring move
the radiant song from Azeroth is akin to the loud fart the Ancients heard from Etheyris' core before the Endtimes
Super excited for this it actually got me.pumped
Locus-Walker is Demencius under cover to train us so we can be a sweeter food for him
"The King of Diamonds has been made a pawn". This confirms the Il'gynoth whisper. Magni wasn't hearing Azeroth at all, he was hearing only what the titans wanted him to hear… a pawn indeed.
I’m pretty sure that’s why they brought Metzen back. Keep an open mind going into War Within.
It's too bad blizzard only makes lazy reskins for new races. Ethereals have needed to be playable for 18 years but it's never gonna happen, they are so lazy.
Soo dimensius is galactus and xalatath (s?) is the silver surfer? 😀 hehe 😅
Also Alleria looks fkn sweet 🤘🤟👌
I hope we lose so hard we are pushed back into Azeroth and actually have to defend our main land.
World souls are so rare that almost every planet we encounter has one lmao
Dimensius wasn't even a dungeon boss. He was a kill quest in Netherstorm IIRC.
"the king of diamonds has been made a pawn"
I've always hoped to have them as a playable race.
Best sponsor Segway ever
I get a feeling that Alleria could become the harbinger
bro, they talk about this when you do the new dark heart quest, wtf u mean in war within?
I really hope we’ll finally get playable etherals in the next three expacs.
Being that the Old Gods are essentially children of the Void Lords, you can only imagine how intense THEIR whispers of madness are.
Something, something, Dark Side. Something, something, … GoGoGoGoGoGoGo
Getting me hyped. Been waiting for the void lord expansion/expansions for years.
So Xal'atath is the silver surfer and Dimensius is Galactus.
some sort of weird static or audio issue in this video. other videos I watched did not have any problems.
here comes wow 2.0 revamp and Jaina is putting in work =D
Lotus-Walker was the Harbinger of K'aresh