New Legendary Vendor Added In Patch 11.0.7! Recover Lost and Deleted Legendary Items! WoW War Within

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25 thoughts on “New Legendary Vendor Added In Patch 11.0.7! Recover Lost and Deleted Legendary Items! WoW War Within”

  1. The vendor is all good but I think it would be better if since your account has achievements for each of those, you should just be able to buy them off this vendor as they're already bound to your account on your alts. There shouldn't be any drawback as retail is numerous expansions ahead of those items but then again…Blizzard hates fun..

  2. ok so thats weird… apparently if you sold the legendary in the past you cant rebuy it now (i had the tbc bow on my warlock and sold it cuz i couldnt use it and now its not on the vendor) however it appears that items in void storage count as "lost" (likely a bug) as my mist and wod legendary cloaks and my dragonwrath are on the vendor in spite of them being in my void storage..

  3. Can you delete them on one character and buy them back on a different character I know wishful thinking I suppose but my Pally has the MH warglaive and my warrior has OH funny thing my priest has Thoridal the star fury 🙁


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