after playing 100 games of mistweaver this season i went from really liking the game to quitting. i will never fotm reroll to something i dont like. prays for dragonlands
all my friends stopped to play healer, the meta is awful with crazy dmg and crazy burst. Mw is unplayable since 2 years xD. Have fun in lfg waiting for healer during 2 hours.
The way I heal right now is usually to log in, queue about 3 games, realize healing sucks, and then log off and get on my Warlock or Mage instead. I've healed arenas for like 15 years, and this is far and away the worst experience I've had. As soon as I get the Glad mount I'll stop queueing for the season, it's just so unfun right now. You basically have to sit 40 yards away spamming heals, trying to do anything else is just suicide, it feels awful to play atm.
Step one play a holy priest
hey supa how come you are healing as kyrian?
You forgot to mention you need to play priest or paladin to heal this season
Could you do hpal POV with DH/DK?
after playing 100 games of mistweaver this season i went from really liking the game to quitting. i will never fotm reroll to something i dont like. prays for dragonlands
During 9.0 I played venthyr holy pal and dominated the damage charts with OP hammers 🔨
Step one: Do not play discipline priest
all my friends stopped to play healer, the meta is awful with crazy dmg and crazy burst. Mw is unplayable since 2 years xD. Have fun in lfg waiting for healer during 2 hours.
Nice, great video easy break down of the situations
The way I heal right now is usually to log in, queue about 3 games, realize healing sucks, and then log off and get on my Warlock or Mage instead. I've healed arenas for like 15 years, and this is far and away the worst experience I've had. As soon as I get the Glad mount I'll stop queueing for the season, it's just so unfun right now. You basically have to sit 40 yards away spamming heals, trying to do anything else is just suicide, it feels awful to play atm.
Wonder why he doesnt play necro hpal
The name plate addon being used which shows the enemy cd as its being used