32 thoughts on “New Moon Ritual In Game Cutscene – Patch 10.2.0”
if this place is getting dedicated to Elune, then I expect a huge amount of protection, with a giant slab of commitment from that cosmically absentee parent that stands 200 hundred feet tall and made to last forever. And the only thing written on that slab in giant glowing letters above her signature are simply the words "My Bad, Fam"
Somehow this is one of the most touching cinematics as of late. The night elves and especially Tyrande have been to so much… they gave up their immortality to save the world, their archdruid went mad (Fandral) and then the war of thorns destroyed virtually their culture and home, while the horde went on a genocide against them. Darnassus always seemed save and i remember playing in the early days and wondering about Teldrassil and how beautiful it was. And then it was burned, the night elves driven out, Tyrande consumed by hate and vegeance, Malfurion exchanged places with Ysera in the shadowlands and now they get a respite. It was a nice touch to remember Darnassus and the temple and how deeply involved Elune is in night elven culture. Really a great cinematic.
Blizz really need to put a a soloable story difficulty in raids with the main NPCs of the story as your comrades so casuals don't have to wait weeks to see these. It takes nothing away from the raiders, and the people who just want to pound through the content are happy. It's a lose for literally no one.
Feels cheap to me. New World Tree isn't in Kalimdor, it's on the Dragon Isle.. so isn't distinctly 'Kaldorei'. It isn't a city, it isn't the zone that Teldrassil was.
Beautiful cinematic, but Amirdrassil being permanently put on the Dragon Isles almost ruins it all.. Kalimdor is the home of the Night Elves 😞 it’s the opposite side of the world from Ashenvale
Beautifully done. Probably one of the most touching moments in WoW. Night Elves since WC3 have given up a lot in defense of Azeroth. Lets hope at the end of the World Soul Saga Illidan can find peace with his kin intact
"We have suffered so much" – Tyrande being dumb once again. It's hard to name a race that hasn't suffered on Azeroth… Worgen have suffered significantly more, with the curse + losing Gilneas. Humans have lost their capital city, twice. One to the Scourge and another to the Orcs.
Forsaken is kinda self explanatory. Draenei legit lost their entire planet, and was chased for thousand of years by the burning legion. Gnomes lost their entire home as well, plus they're short and I bet that kinda sucks. Blood Elves were almost wiped out by the Scourge. Tauren were near extinction from the Centaur, when the Orcs found them. Orcs were manipulated and forced into servitude of the Burning Legion, causing them to lose their home planet.
I could go on and on… It just sounds so dumb when characters are like "Oh it's so sad for me", when almost everyone around them have suffered just as much and in some cases even more..
Sigh…so I guess that this means Tyrande and her people basically ALL move to Amirdrassil, and leaves Kalimdor forever? Does this NOT mean that the Horde has taken the entire continent there? Besides, Darkshore is lifetless and an "empty victory" according to Exploring Kalimdor, and now Nordrassil and Hyjal too are seemingly forgotten by the kaldorei. This was not a horrible cinematic, yet also very underwhelming given everything they have lost. Besides, is it an Alliance city or mostly neutral, and will the dragonflights intervene if the Horde attacks them again…??
if this place is getting dedicated to Elune, then I expect a huge amount of protection, with a giant slab of commitment from that cosmically absentee parent that stands 200 hundred feet tall and made to last forever. And the only thing written on that slab in giant glowing letters above her signature are simply the words "My Bad, Fam"
I want the Darnassus, Darkshore etc music back… Give me back Warcraft 3 NE music.. This new stuff isnt doing it for me
Who invited that lone dh in the background?
Now let get sylvanas again burn down the tree again 🤡
Ill come back for Midnight for rhe full elf xpack
Didn't Illidan do this and got 10k sentence?
Where tf is malfurion
man hearing that in that vial it was the last water left from darnassus made me SOB
Somehow this is one of the most touching cinematics as of late. The night elves and especially Tyrande have been to so much… they gave up their immortality to save the world, their archdruid went mad (Fandral) and then the war of thorns destroyed virtually their culture and home, while the horde went on a genocide against them. Darnassus always seemed save and i remember playing in the early days and wondering about Teldrassil and how beautiful it was. And then it was burned, the night elves driven out, Tyrande consumed by hate and vegeance, Malfurion exchanged places with Ysera in the shadowlands and now they get a respite. It was a nice touch to remember Darnassus and the temple and how deeply involved Elune is in night elven culture. Really a great cinematic.
Hehe I never noticed that one demon hunter in the back ground
Play at 1.25x speed to improve dialogue quality.
So are they inmortal again?
Nice speech.
so if she went back to ardenweld where tf is malfurion
Blizz really need to put a a soloable story difficulty in raids with the main NPCs of the story as your comrades so casuals don't have to wait weeks to see these. It takes nothing away from the raiders, and the people who just want to pound through the content are happy. It's a lose for literally no one.
Weird, this DOES sound better at 1.25x speed
This game has been pussified beyond all recognition. I miss you garrosh, we need you back.
Feels cheap to me. New World Tree isn't in Kalimdor, it's on the Dragon Isle.. so isn't distinctly 'Kaldorei'. It isn't a city, it isn't the zone that Teldrassil was.
Wow she really used the phiole from illidan
Meanwhile, Gnomes STILL haven't reclaimed their home.
Beautiful cinematic, but Amirdrassil being permanently put on the Dragon Isles almost ruins it all.. Kalimdor is the home of the Night Elves 😞 it’s the opposite side of the world from Ashenvale
Elune adore 🥹😭😭
Here we see the remaining 20 night elves that somehow survived the million L's piled upon the race in the last decade. Yay, I guess…
My heart strings. Stop… pulling… These are totally man tears… Sh!t 😭
That was beautiful. Damn it!
Beautifully done. Probably one of the most touching moments in WoW. Night Elves since WC3 have given up a lot in defense of Azeroth. Lets hope at the end of the World Soul Saga Illidan can find peace with his kin intact
Alright 1,25 x speed looks much better
So Ilidan was always right about the water then?
0:07 what does the jailer do behind
And people complained about the NE heritage questline while ignored there will be a whole patch dedicated to the kaldorei.
"We have suffered so much" – Tyrande being dumb once again.
It's hard to name a race that hasn't suffered on Azeroth…
Worgen have suffered significantly more, with the curse + losing Gilneas.
Humans have lost their capital city, twice. One to the Scourge and another to the Orcs.
Forsaken is kinda self explanatory.
Draenei legit lost their entire planet, and was chased for thousand of years by the burning legion.
Gnomes lost their entire home as well, plus they're short and I bet that kinda sucks.
Blood Elves were almost wiped out by the Scourge.
Tauren were near extinction from the Centaur, when the Orcs found them.
Orcs were manipulated and forced into servitude of the Burning Legion, causing them to lose their home planet.
I could go on and on… It just sounds so dumb when characters are like "Oh it's so sad for me", when almost everyone around them have suffered just as much and in some cases even more..
Sigh…so I guess that this means Tyrande and her people basically ALL move to Amirdrassil, and leaves Kalimdor forever? Does this NOT mean that the Horde has taken the entire continent there? Besides, Darkshore is lifetless and an "empty victory" according to Exploring Kalimdor, and now Nordrassil and Hyjal too are seemingly forgotten by the kaldorei. This was not a horrible cinematic, yet also very underwhelming given everything they have lost. Besides, is it an Alliance city or mostly neutral, and will the dragonflights intervene if the Horde attacks them again…??
could you link your articles about these videos in your youtube description? would be great to know how to see these in game