NEW Orgrimmar Is Coming And It Will Be BIGGER!

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New TWW beta information shows that Orgrimmar is very likely getting revamped soon!
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Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound:

The thumbnail art is by Stanton Feng, check him out here:

Let’s be real Orgrimmar kind of sucks, it was updated back in Cataclysm, got a new look but that was nearly 15 years ago and it really looks like a joke when you compare with any new city we had gotten ever since and this is like THE horde capital. Well in the War Within beta we just got first actual information that something may be coming that is going to change this. The earthen that had just joined the faction talk about the opportunities to expand the capital, add an ew port, change some of cliffs and expand the city and the industry.

This new Orgrimmar harbor ties in perfectly with us going to Kezan very likely in one of the patches that is very close to Orgrimmar as well as Northrend and the Eastern Kingdoms. Additionally the Sword of Sargeras is going to be relevant in Kalimdor so having a strong Orgrimmar is going to be an asset. So what is all the new information and what type of a revamp is Orgrimmar going to get?

All of the footage used in the video is copyrighted by Blizzard Entertainment unless stated otherwise. Due to images being shared across various sites it is quite difficult to find who the original artists are. If I used your work I’d be more than happy to give you full credit, just contact me at [email protected]


41 thoughts on “NEW Orgrimmar Is Coming And It Will Be BIGGER!”

  1. Orgrimmar should die out man. It's holding back the horde so hard into an orcish aesthetic. I wish they decided to move the horde to thousand needles and going from there. So much space to place it out and adding so many things. Between gadgetzan being a goblin/gnomish casino zone with revamps, feralas being tauren/ogre zone, a reunion of desert trolls and so on.

  2. I've always played Alliance because Dwarves are my preferred race but I honestly hate the Alliance. I love the Horde ideology and respect their heirarchy of Strength and Honor above all much more than their "more civilised" counterparts. I can't wait to make my Horde Earthen Shaman so I can finally play with the race I love on the faction I prefer. This expansion is all ready a big win for me! ⚒️

  3. Since all races in the Horde are accepted now, that means all races would move in. Would that make new changes for starter character quest lines? Like an example, the trolls were kicked out cause of Garrosh and Vol'jin dispute.

  4. Yeah, it's long overdue. The Orgrimmar we've been in for the past ten years was built to look like the toilet in Garrosh's bathroom–spikes everywhere, oppressing tuba noises, looks like it's covered in shit. It deserves a revamp that makes it a little less like orc supremacy and daddy issues.

  5. The issue is that Ogrimmar already feels dead and empty, only reason to go there is Chromie and the trading post, so i'm afraid that it's gonna feel even more empty if they make it bigger. Same for most other cities but maybe all those new cities are for housing?

  6. Always bugged me that Valley of Spirits never got that upgraded gate in Cata. Would be nice to see the Capital of our Horde get some well needed updated and I also think Stormwind will get some updates too.

  7. An industrial area? A harbor? Can't wait, especially if they include the Iron Horde/Mag'har look, maybe a bit Mag'har style from Outland to welcome those deciding to join them, but there are many more styles of Horde Races they can draw on now. I wouldn't mind a Zandalari or Elven area or even Hozens hanging around there(all factions of the Horde indeed). They only need to remember Orgrimmar is a warrior city and leaving the harbor open would be foolish considering Nagas and other threats.

    I hope we see some Gronns in action during construction, they would help carving out new canyons in no time.

  8. Would be so cool to see a giant horde sort of castle over the entire spire where the Zeppelins are, with the cleft of shadows a lot more sprawling underneath it. Especially when you remember how big it is down there from the siege of orgrimmar raid. Could make it huge and connect all the ramparts

  9. So… The Orgrimmar remake.

    I know that the earthen NPC hints at it, but I think that along with it, when you think about that goblin short story that was recently published, it sounds like a perfect opportunity for Gazlowe to show Nogginfogger what true unity and cooperation looks like.

  10. Would be pissed as allaince member if they do a ogrimmar revamp. The last few alliance cities they touched where underwhellming and missing stuff. Hell SW has not been touched in ages.
    setting that aside:
    – More clear layout
    – update the rocks. They look so old school.
    – maybe do something on the cliffs
    – make it more "clean" . feels to broken down.

  11. Losing The Park for an awkward plateau of fountains and a memorial is a loss the Alliance still has not recovered from. The giant graveyard and some of the backwoods areas are cool, but SW just does not seem to get the love that Org does.


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