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It suggest you to play in the worst zones for new players where you never see a soul
bfa isn't forced but it's the "default". you can still talk to chromie to go whenever you want but bfa is like the current for some reason
You cant change as a new Player. You have to play BFA. As a old Player you can choose everything
Bwonsamdi is still my hero.
Has less soul because the main folks who loved making left. Thankfully Blizzard bringing them back it seems
You have to download and pay extr for classic
The talk about soul of the game is why I went back to play Guild Wars 1 just a couple of days ago.
I never got to end game as a kid, but just being in the world felt good. So now I’m going to play thru and complete as much as I can
As a new player myself started playing in s1 of dragonflight, going from retail to classic has been the worst time ever, the endless slow gameplay, and punishment for everymove, spells being resisted, mmo wise sure classic is a better game, but the gameplay in sod and classic is so much behind retail imo
As a corgi owner I would very much like that xpac plz.
What in the heck has this world came to. You have women who are more masculine than half the men in America now days. You have men putting their whole existence in to a virtual video game world. Where are all the men going to be when crap hits the fan in this country. These guys need to grow a pair, get some testosterone and start acting like a man. Stop being sissified. You are supposed to be a protector, a hunter, a gatherer. Not some Panzy in the corner.
I’ve been playing wow for 2 months, gud game
I just started wow with season of discovery! been loving it so far can’t wait for phase 2
started playing wow in sod, and i have to say it was rough getting into wow, but i have 5 alts and joined an good guild for my understanding:) verry happy i started playing the game. topping deeps meters thanks to my sensei mage xarxar <3
That ending was a fuckin bop
Silly twitch chat, you have to play through BFA if it is your account's very first character.
It's Gazz! Been following how wow journey since he started. Fun dude.
5:22 If you're a new player you HAVE to play through BfA to level.
it does force u into BFA on a new accnt. new paccnts have to lvl thru bfa before they can even use chromie, the mrs had the same problem and was swearing at the game foe days about it
Wow classic, what could of been. You got Era with its 1400g Staff of Jordans. You got Road retail classic. And you got SoD which is just classic for retail players. Id mention hardcore but that is such a niche interest. As a new player I guess Road to Retail classic would be your best bet.
Funny how even someone new to the game says Dragonflight feels like a totally different game, yet plenty of times when us Dads who play Wrath/SoD/HC claim retail is a completely different game in comparison to the game we enjoyed, we get berated with things like "why would you want to do it over again" "what about your main characters and all you achieved"… Basically, they can't let go of their mains to come and have fun. Most people I speak to who won't touch the classic versions of wow demonstrate attachment issues to their main characters, and even if they're not enjoying the game, they just can't let go.
Though can say, some of them are starting to come around, and realise where people are playing.
The first time you play you have to play BFA. You can’t change until you do it all once
blizzard setting people up for failure with not having strafing on A and D by default…. also – why on earth is auto loot not on by default? If every player goes and turns on a setting first thing, make that the default k thanks =D
I watched my sister in law play through the tutorial (as a new player) and unfortunately the game is not recommending NOT to click your action buttons… she went straight to clicking 1 and my neck hair stood up.
I'm a newer player been playing wow for about a year now and yes BFA is basically what blizzard determines is the "new Player" expansion it might be shadowlands now since when I stated playing Dargonflight was not out yet but it was like the end of Shadowlands. This guy seems to have had the same experience I did. Be it I played as a DK and he's a warrior. But the first expation blizzard nudges new players towards is BFA and eventually if you want you can do time walking to do other expansions which can be fun for every Expansion but Cataclysm because for whatever reason Cataclysm time walking dungeons get locked at really early lvls and they instead make you do Vanilla WoW dungeons if you time walk Cataclysm.
I play since mid MoP and play it almost every day. I tried classic server as they came up, I played every version of classic and never reached max level in one of them, not even when I started as DK in Wrath Classic. I think classic is not my type of game
About the community. I joined df with my alt lvl60+ paladin to try out healing on it. The tank was completly ignorant and under geared,. None of myteam mates know how to interrupt. With these condition the tank decided to pull everything from second boss to third boss (boss included) I could almost heal out everyone, but the mage did not block and the other 2 los-ed me. Me and the tank survived and I started to explain them what they did wrong. They instantly kicked me out without a word….
Thanks for watching! I also made a video about trying PvP which you might find more interesting
Alot of his problems about missing most of the game and not experiencing it can be solved by Classic WoW.
Honestly I could never get into Retail for the same reason, but I have been loving Classic WoW because i get to experience some of what I missed.
Damn wish I could erase my 800 years of wow and start fresh, or go outside and do something else.
Lol the ending with "Should I play WoW Classic?" YES YES YES

"How do we interrupt" so he is one of those dudes that doesnt read his skills. Lol
I’m always curious how Xar is going to extend these videos to 10+ minutes for the ad revenue with meaningless random thoughts.
So he chooses to test retail???
I know retail isn't for everyone but "ew retail", "retail yuck" just makes me roll my eyes so hard. It's in a pretty good place right now and if you don't like it thats fine, thats literally why classic exists. Just enjoy the game you're playing and let people enjoy theirs without shitting on it
First time players have to play BFA when they level, since that gives them a good understanding on what is currently going on in the game, when you have done BFA once you can chose what expansion to level on your next character.
The general response to a question in wow is : ‘look it up’ or results in ‘removed from group’ its a game ladies and gentlemen not a staple on a person
Hi Xaryu – its insane that we are probably around the same age and I have also been playing every expansion so far. For me, the game wasnt so much fun anymore was probably around BfA, when the Expansion was wild and very satisfying, but people were slowly getting really mainstream with all the Meta, BiS-culture, the economy of WoW kind of monopolyzed and I started to lose interest in like having goals in the game. And ever since, the thousands of guides on "how to ged gud", gold farm to be a trillionaire with six addons and whatnot, Idk. I hardly played DF, I only do LFR now. I lvl almost all of the classes during the Expansion, and I liked DF with the many changes and that tier sets actually also changed the way, often times, how we interact with our characters again. But its all very streamlined. I have been playing SoD in the meantime, really like the classic feeling, but there also, thousands of guides, gold farm tips, blabla. But if thats what most people enjoy, so be it.
Am I the only guy that just plays the entire game almost entirely with right click down to strafe? Lmao
playic classic no pressure no gameplan farming professions and taking my time
My quality of life got better when I quit WoW
the whole "soul" to me translates as p2w features. When they saw one mount being more worthy than the price of a whole expansion… well… the game became worse and worse
objectively the game has tons of quality of life features now, it still offers less to me. I tried come back, but another thing that pushed me out was.. Im a pve main player, was once a quite hardcore player with top 5 parses and so on… cant do that right now. Also all my friends quit or went the opposite faction so… a mmo where you dont know anyone is doomed to fail.
still, its probably better for new players because they cant compare with other versions of wow, and wow and ffxiv are the most complete mmos out there.
just bind strafe to a and d
Classic is for bad players like xaryu