New players can't play World of Warcraft

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World of Warcraft has been the most popular MMO since it released, unfortunately Blizzard and the wow community are deterring new players away. This is a big issue that wow has been facing for some time, and I hope it is dealt with, otherwise this will be the end of wow


47 thoughts on “New players can't play World of Warcraft”

  1. Retail is where most people tell new players to start, cause everything guides you and kind of teaches you, no real need to dl addons till you do m+ and raiding. Classic doesn't have any features, super barebones. You literally have to read all the quest and figure shit out for yourself, that's just the way it was back in the day. Not many people used addons, or at least knew about them. I had a couple, but it was real basic stuff. Cata I'd say is a real good start, a lot of features were added to the game that are still used today.

  2. The community is the worst part about wow. I've been lvling alts in sod, and trying to get rep from ash pvp event, and you'll have people pulling mobs away from you, if you're lower lvl so the mobs will charge you and get you killed, so you don't get rep. and xp. Then you've got players that'll kill civilian npcs while in grps, giving everyone a dhkp…so now nobody grps up, and so you get everyone crying in chat about how/why nobody grps to finish pvp event.

  3. My 2 cents :
    I would say retail is more noob friendly for exemple QoL addon you take for classic are implanted in game in retail.
    point 1 : Where is the quest: necessity for add on.
    For quest you don't need an addon you need to read the quest. You're new, don't try to rush the game read stuff and they will tell you where/what you are suppsose to do. With add on you dont immerse yourself into the game, the lore and stuff like that, I find sad that new players dont even try to read the content and just want to rush.
    Point 2. Its slow. Yeah once again go play retail its faster to leveling and the game is more aimed at endgame content. Classic is/was more about the journey and slow pace.
    The community point i more or less agree. For noob, try to play with guildmate or say you're noob they are friendly people too.

  4. Are you really saying you don;t have much time to play games therefore you play classic? 😀 Classic was always grindy. From what you're saying you would fit into retail, but you are just too lazy to learn things. Crying about vanilla not having addons preinstalled? Wow classic(vanilla) is a nostalgic game, no one back in time had any addons, you had to READ the quests and figure it out by yourself.
    "Leveling was too slow, I quit at lvl 20." – Classic is not for modern kids that need to button smash keyboard every 1 second.
    I don't want to learn about the game, but I want to be optimal in lvling. – You can apply it to any game.
    Blizzard have many issues like u said(running back to corpse, rebuffing etc) but don't try to force changes to vanilla. Just go retail and learn how to play it.

  5. You don't have a lot of time? then go play Retail. Don't complain about Classic where the whole fun of the version was in the slow "Leveling" precess.
    The taking time to exploring new zones, the slow running back and forth while dreaming for my turn to go getting my own mount.
    The fun of having to level up different weapon skills. The gathering. The Crafting.
    The using a boost as a new player? fk no mate that was on you. You didn't want to take the time to level up and learn the dungeons, of course people will try to avoid a lvl 80 newbie that doesnt know the dungeon mechanics.
    Search up youtube guides on the dungeons before jumping into them. they're normally like 5-10 min vids.

  6. Classic exemple of creating the problem. Classic wow does not need addons, that's the beauty of it. Really hate this generation that want everything easy.

  7. To be fair this is one of the biggest L take what I ever seen about MMO-s.
    First of all you say fuck blizzard but you gave them money for a level boost wich is insane to me when you doesent even know how to play the game. Thats what the leveling is for, making sure players understand their classes and the basic game mechanincs. Do not be suprised when people doesent want to play with you when you use the boost and doesent know anything about your class.
    Secondly If you have no time to play games (But you have time to make a video and complain about it) why in the seven hells do you wanna play MMO-s, those are the grindiest . Go play something what doesent require you to grind your ass off.
    Third, you doesent need addons to play Classic, you can READ the quests and figure it out.
    Overall I think these games are not for you quit them and go find happines somewhere else, do not try to change them for people who enjoy them the way they are.

  8. I'm trying to return to WoW retail and I feel exactly the same way.
    Classic Cata is meh. Not going to play it.
    SoD is good, but it has zero QoL.
    Retail has all the QoL and looks great, but I am just lost figuring out what to play and how to go about doing anything at 70.

  9. On a personal note, I hate to be mean, but I really think whoever said that retail is the more "hardcore" version of the game needs to get their facts straight.
    You should've seen vanilla WoW. If there was ever a game in which you could end up with no gold, all your gear broken and stuck on some remote island surrounded by hostiles with no clue how to get to your next quest, it was vanilla WoW.
    Cata is already a million times more casual friendly, but Dragonflight really just holds your hand all the way if you want it to and points you right at where you should be and suggests where you should go from there on. I sincerely suggest you at least give it a try before giving up on WoW completely. There's even a "follower" dungeon mode now where you can run it with NPCs that will instruct you how to clear it before you try it with real players.
    As for the game being "too big" it's really no issue. You can always just devote yourself to the current expansion and ignore the old ones entirely.(Though I personally recommend exploring them when you get the chance. They're quite fun at times.)
    The community still ain't too great though, won't lie. Though they're not quite as toxic as they are just plain boring and anti-social. EVEN the NPCs feel more like humans than the actual players. Everyone is just super quiet, no hello, thank you or goodbye, they just get their weekly/daily clears and move on. For that reason I suggest joining some casual or new player friendly guild when you get in.

    To sum up: Retail WoW has never been more casual/new player friendly than it is today. It's actually the reason why so many have quit playing it since wotlk. Classic is the place where all the more hardcore-loving nostalgics gather up to smash some raids n stuff.
    Take care dude. ✌

  10. 7:52

    "Please add dungeon finder!"
    "No. It's better to find groups on your own"
    Blizzard adds it
    "Omg the community is like so toxic wtf?"

    Yeah that's what happens when you add RANDOM group finder. There's no consequences for leaving. Why is this so fucking hard for people to understand.

    Also, this video has to be a troll video. You got to level 20 bro. What did you do put in 5 hours into the game and then think you can do a solid review for it?

  11. The map and quests are easy to see on the map in RETAIL Classic IMO is harder than retail much slower paced and you can easily get yourself dead a lot faster in Classic. 😆Retail you can go 1 to 70 easily, and see all quests on the map. The UI is much much better. Maybe it's something you might want to try. I just returned yesterday from a 6 month hiatus. I was texting with my friend yesterday who also play. I shit you not, I said: "How a new player is supposed to navigate this game is beyond me." I have been playing since 2005, and I find it a little overwhelming starting back up. But yea, Retail is more fast paced.

  12. At least on retail side, blizzard is trying out new ways to get players through new game modes like Plunderstrom and MoP remix which are proving to be successful.

    On the other hand I kinda don't get the point in everything should be available to new players. Even tho I agree that WoW community is toxic to an extent. Experienced pug players not tolerating new players is not a big deal. Just find a group of likeminded people and enjoy everything game has to offer peacefully or stick with lesser difficult content. You say you don't have time to learn the game and buying level boost expecting everything else to be handed to you is on another level of wrong, if blizzard really catered difficult content to people like you this game would have literally have died decade ago. Endgame difficulties are appealing because of hard approach, especially in retail, but also Cata.

    WoW is also not only about Raiding and PvPing. There are dozen of other things you can do within the fictional world of WoW like farming Mounts/Pets or other collectables, Role-Playing, Pet Battles, Lore seeking etc. Any version of WoW can be a starting point to a new player. The only separation I would give is that the older the expansion the more community driven it is and vice-versa.

  13. 2 things , blizz dosent give a shit about wow its one of their lowest revenue games and 2 Dont play wow , its gone from what it was back in the good days . private sever is best time now

  14. you know in the begining before TBC or earlie the question mark were not above the questgiver after finishing the quest – You you lost the questgiver -good luck Until today i feel like im being cheated by Blizzard with the yellow mark above the queastgiver..ITS too easy

  15. Besides classic hardcore are not as hard a vanilla wow- mobs are fewer some lowlevel mobs healers removed. And the slow levelling -In early vanilla You are done with elwyn forrest after 1 week played about 2-8 hours day… you have to eat as warrior at lv 2 and drink after every mob. Maybe its a generation issue-played not not easy 20-30 years for a reason limited +bad graphics = good music and good long experince

  16. It's a real shame but every version of wow currently has a cesspit. Classic Era is just a gold farmed stock exchange; but has one of the best communities. TBC, Wrath and Cata all have heroics; i.e more toxicity (not friendly to newbies and class/spec restrictive. Although retail has no need for addons; any form of dungeoning (normal/heroic/mythic/mythic+) is a complete toxic wasteland. I haven't experienced toxicity in SoD and I hope the upcoming difficulty options in phase 4 don't hinder that.

  17. Got to 85 in 2 days, I did solo dungeons leveling as a blood dk so no gear was collected. So I went threw regular dungeons farming up gear so I can do heroics. Keep in mind I generally over prepare.
    I farmed all the way until I had atleast 333 in every slot.
    I was working but it was about 3 days before the raid was released.

    I went threw heroics and went in a dungeon I had even done in regular, we went threw and it was established from the start of the dungeon that I was new to this one. When we went threw seemed as if the healer was abit undergeared as they barely even kept up to my self heals. Got scary at somepoints almost as if they werent paying attention.
    We didnt wipe but got to the final boss, we wiped and they told me it was my fault because I kept the boss on the stairs and wqs calling me a noob, I was like well no one clarified, we all knew I was new to this dungeon, so I clarifed about where I tanked. Funny enough 3 anwsers were all different.
    We picked one and went with it. We wiped again. Why? I noticed the same shit happened. The boss shoots arrows that you have to dodge and some ability you have to kick.
    They weren't doing any of that. The tank postion litterally barely mattered and yet they blamed me.
    They all left, and had a group that was all apart of the same guild, we cleared it in a minute. They waited before looting the boss for my response on how idiotic the other players I was with were lmao.

    Had another stupid experience in Wrath but therr is always people who think they are good but are actrually trash. Like its litterally just a number sequence game, no real skill learning 1,3,5,2 repeat..
    I've always kept with a dungeon group even though I am annoyed on how lacking they are at the game because I know either two things they are learning or they don't pay attention. Had to leave one timr in Wrath, healer and I had crazy good gear, but since I am a blood dk, I barely can kick. They kept dying because they kept sttacking the wrong person and wasnt kicking the heals so we litterally fought it for 40 minutes and I was spamming kick the heals yet nothing was done..

  18. The core leveling experience for a new player is terrible.
    1. Beneath level 30 or so (give or take a few levels based on your class), everything dies in about 3 seconds. This feels pretty terrible on any class you play, because you have no time to really use any of your abilities or develop any strategies other than hit your highest damage dealing attack. After this point, the scaling gets worse in the opposite way – mobs become extremely tanky but still deal no damage. It's bad on both fronts and doesn't feel like you're actively progressing.
    2. You never really run into other players when leveling a new character. You may see, at most, one to three players in a hub, and maybe one player generally out in the world. There's an endless ocean of content, but it's all dead content that Blizzard abandons. This is a terrible approach to game design. It's like butter, spread over too much bread. So your chance of player interactions are extremely low.
    3. The game kinda just throws dungeons at you as the best way to level. Yes, you group with 4 other players, but at least three of those players will be absolutely mute. And if you talk too much, you might just get kicked because you're not focusing on your role, or playing too slowly to keep up. So not only are you removed from the strongest element of an MMO (the world), but you're stuck with players who honestly just want to finish leveling. Speaking of leveling…
    4. Players who typically sit through leveling a new toon make up the majority of new toons in world. These people don't communicate with any new player and typically runs endless dungeons.
    5. When you finally join other players in the current expansion, you're forced to dump story lines, quests, and loot you otherwise would have obtained – because every piece of gear in Dragonflight has 10x the stats. It's like jumping from Vanilla to BC all over again.
    6. Every aspect of the end-game encourages little to no communication with players you interact with. If the chat system was removed from WoW, the only thing that might suffer is that Raid Finder wipes would be harder to place blame on someone. Mythic+ is on a timer, you can't strategize or talk because you've gotta work at max speed to keep up. Raids are done either over coms (you're not allowed to speak) on Discord (an outside app you have to download) or has 0 communication except for the raid leader dressing down someone who failed mechanics (causing a massive wipe + waste of time for everyone involved) or a quick explanation on how to do the fight. There's 0 interaction with other players except the negative ones when other players let you down.
    7. Joining a guild doesn't even give you a place to chat most of the time, because each guild has discord, and they all expect you to hop on DC and talk there. Again, removing chatting from the game seems to be the intentions of the developers.
    8. There's no reason to group up in open world at all. Every player as a big DPS cooldown, a self heal, a big defensive, a crowd control, an AoE – all players are so sufficient that interacting with others is pointless. Gw2, which has a similar system, at least encourages joining groups on the fly and you'll always run into people who are doing something. Most maps have at least 20-30 players in them. Imagine if you could go to Redridge in retail, right now, and find 25 players running around doing their own thing. How alive would the world feel to you? If you went to say, Loch Modan and there were players there. In Retail. Gw2 does that every every map, because every map has a reason to return to it. I could pick any place in the game and think of a reason to go there. Can't do that in WoW.
    The fact of the matter is, no matter what you do in Retail WoW as a new player, you feel like you're playing a dead game devoid of players. Remove the players and you remove the biggest aspect of an MMO. The players need to be in world. The veteran players need a reason to be there.
    The gameplay matters less than the people you meet along the way. I met a random person in Gw2, and became friends with them. And they told me that if I didn't talk to them, they probably would have quit the game. They finished two expansions worth of content since then.

  19. Honestly in the modern day, World of Warcraft is so bloated with Toxic Elitist players, that it's not worth trying to get into as a new player, unless you have friends helping you get into the game (in which case, they should be there to help you get used to the gameplay, and run dungeons with you!). However, less popular older subscription based MMOs will generally tend to have a more welcoming atmosphere to new players. Free to Play MMOs sometimes tend to be just as toxic as WoW.
    Currently, I am playing the Mists of Pandaria Remix, and even though most people seem to be toxic, I'm still trying to do my best to help people get leveled up and geared. Even though my stats are capped, and I have most of the rewards from bronze (only transmogs I probably don't care about, left to use Bronze on). When I was playing Final Fantasy 14, I was always making gear for new players, and trying to help them level and learn the game. People do exist out there that will try to help people, but they really are few and far between.

  20. If what you're looking for is a 2h a day playtime to chill, play retail since its designed for that. Older versions might be simpler, but also way way grindier. In retail you get to max level in a cpl days at most, breeze through the leveling and have extremely accesible modes to learn (regular dungeons, LFR). If you wish to find a more challenging experience then you start doing some mythic+ or normal/heroic raids.

  21. When the OG came out I was 19 and been playing ever since. That is the way it use to be. You actually have to sit down and read the quest and find out where to go. Mods/addons didn't come out till much much later on.

  22. It's gonna be a hard take for sure, but i got nothing to lose so here's my honest unfiltered take on this:

    This is another modern day gamer review who wants to get invested to the game but dont want to invest to the game. Let me explain: The walk back for wiping has been there since the beginning. Back then it wasn't a problem, so what's different now? Also no dungeon has 10min walk back time, even in classic, even if you are new and dont know the correct path. About questing: Did you try reading the quest text? Back when i started playing wow, the first thing that drew me into the world itself and second thing was that i actually had to read the quest before going on for whatever i was looking for. Not some quest tracking addon that you just mindlessly follow. Explore yourself. Have time with yourself.

    I would say somewhat big part of why i became so addicted to wow in the first place, was because i had to solve things myself and work for the goals. When i finally reached the goals, it felt so much more meaningful and rewarding. Had i started playing the first time with all addons possible, running around mindlessly without a single thought in my mind what i was doing or why, i would had never developed a deeper immersion and understanding to the lore and the game world itself. So yeah, I would have definately had the same result as what you expressed in this video if i had all these tools in my hand back then.

    The actual problem is that nowadays life is (generally speaking) so insanely easy compared to old days. Questions like staying alive is not a problem in the modern world. After this becoming the normal – people became lazy (in general). So naturally people want everything easier and easier, irl and in games as well. It has gone so far that people dont have any patience anymore to do anything long term. They just want instant progress and instant milestones, with 0 effort. Its a global issue and it affects everything in life. Modern life has become so much faster pace then what it was back in the old times. Ultimately this is the reason why this video exists. People naturally steer themselves towards their comfort zone. Back in the days the comfort zone was to take your time, dont bite too much at once so that you dont miss any smaller nuances, get immersed to the magic, get some glimpses of some of the bigger lore moments of the game by reading the quest texts/books in game, etc. Nowadays the comfort zone is just "GOGOGO FASTFASTFSAT NO BREAKS KILL THIS KILL THAT BIGGER GEAR MORE FAST MORE MORE GOGOGO". Nowadays its only about maximising effectiviness – how can i do this faster – just like in work. With that mindset i dont think anyone can REALLY enjoy anything.

    Some chatter once said PTW – pay to work. I think it fits here.

  23. every boss room should spawn a teleportation beacon after killing the boss that way whenever you die you dont have to walk back to where you died and also when you die you should respawn to the closest beacon


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