New Scaling DESTROYED Timewalking? | Zepla reads a Reddit post [World of Warcraft]

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Editor : TakSangre [Discord : taksangre]


21 thoughts on “New Scaling DESTROYED Timewalking? | Zepla reads a Reddit post [World of Warcraft]”

  1. I loved the idea of timewalking dungeons when I played. I loved dungeons, and it was lame how 90% of dungeons in the entire game are not viable to play (outside of leveling or twinks). But of course blizzard milks and recycles drip fed content by making timewalking a monthly event, with dungeons only from a select xpac, and only some of the dungeons from that xpac are available, so that 85% of all the game dungeons are still not viable content to run (outside of leveling or twinking). Let me run all the dungeons all the time, quit drip feeding players very limited time walking events, or recycling old dungeons by revamping them into the modern tier with a reskin. Vanilla-Wrath dungeons are still the best, by far, with some exceptions. Blizzard dungeons after BFA are mediocre, bland, and forgettable.
    The biggest reason for the limits on timewalking dungeons (other than time-gating, drip fed content), is to hide the fact earlier wow xpacs had 15+ dungeons that were huge, different and fun, versus modern retail xpacs post-pandaland where where the xpacs had 6-8 dungeons at most, 1/2, sometimes 1/3 of the content value of older expansions that had both more, and larger dungeons.
    Vanilla Diremaul, or Blackrock Depths are bigger, and better as standalone dungeons than entire combined expansion's worth of retail dungeons content, specifically WOD, or Pandaland.

  2. Blizzard has never been able to figure out how to do scaling properly. Something always ends up wacky in some direction for some group. I haven’t tried any with the latest patch so I can’t say whether I’ve seem much difference but it’s always been weird and inconsistent.

  3. now is up scaling, with ur ilvl is stronger for u lvl, u ill hit hard… mybe that 72 was ilvl 500+, that ilvl destroy till 74-75…the only thing good about this new system is exp, that go up, and u dont get little exp at certain lvl that is not worth kill any adds

  4. I tanked a bunch of timewalking dungeons on my 614 guardian druid, and then i leveled a prot warrior in timewalking from about level 30 to 71. I did not really feel any big scaling problems, it was not any more difficult to be on a low level warrior. If anything it was a low 10-20% difference, i could still pull huge groups with CDs.

    There are problems sure, but i dont feel like tanking is one of them. For example certain abilities seem to not scale well at all. Was in strat baron one run. First boss. Rogue gets MCd with blade flurry up. His normal hits hit with normal damage, but blade flurry hit me as guardian druid for 7 million and 2 hit me, and killed the other melee dps also in 1 hit. But that is clearly a scaling but on that ability.

  5. That's nonsense.

    You can still contribute, but in general the level 80 character will likely be quite some item levels above the average for level 80, while the problem of the leveling characters is, that they are very likely brutally undergeared for their level, since they level much faster than they are replacing their equipment.

    It's overall much better now, because before you got the problem, that gear in general became worthless, because it was reduced by so much, that for example a damage reductin trinket did borderline nothing anymore, tanks suddenkly only had 30% or less damage reduction what led to them easily being killed in few hits by random mobs or even one shots be some of them, so a timerunning dungeon was likely a mythic+ dungeon when it came to that.

    Meanwhile heals and damage output were absurd, even none-healer classes could easily heal 50-100% of the max HP with one heal, what is of course pointless when the hits aer so hard that one is killing any non-tank anyway.

    That leveling characters are doing worse is normal, because the undergear problem and it's fine.

  6. TRhis new scaling works differently, instead of you scaling to the dungeon, the dungeon scales to you, meaning, if you are geared for your level, you will absolutely dominate, if you are not geared for ur level, you will be ass. That's all.

  7. From my experience it seems not to matter as much on tank or healer it looked like scaling was wack, dnno abt dps
    DPS when i got mind controlled on my rogue (lvl 30) i oneshot my tank so dnno abt that part either its so confusing to me

    but tldr, i have nothing to complain abt it was fun we did not steam roll and its fun and nostalgic to play the classic dungeons

  8. I'd say it has improved it a lot, having it scale upwards to you solves a lot of problems. I've done a lot of them and lower level players are more powerful than before, that whole argument about not being able to have fun with them is flawed.

  9. With current scaling in TW Classic as 625 ret I can basically solo all mob groups and I think almost all bosses. In previous TW I still had to be careful to not steal aggro. TBH I prefer older version, especially that apparently it was still possible to somewhat min max gear using some legendaries/Heart of Azeroth and certain pieces of gear just like it used to be possible back in WoD when old set bonuses still worked.
    Funny thing is however that geared low level character – 30-60 lvl with either maxed out heirlooms (with enchants), PvP gear or raid gear more or less matching its level with flat stat gems will just melt bosses in DRB LFR. Apparently similar thing is possible with DF s4 geared lvl 70 character in normal/heroic. I suspect that if similarly geared low level char enters TW Classic dungeons it should perform in similar way with how wacky that scaling has became.


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