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Since they nerfed the Silithus farm spot we covered in my last video, I tested out a bunch of new spots and made a video of my top 3 for speed leveling in Shadowlands!
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elwyn forest is good too really close together and usually always up. but need wm on
Ok, so there is another way with pet battles outside of the horde garrison. You can 1-50 it, did it once, but I used a td script. Afk lvling
Yep it works with every rare, the ones from vanilla is good because there is a lot of them. Did you try the mobs of the prepatch of pandaria in nothern barrens?They could work like the silithus who knows.
Worth noting that the mob you're killing in Shadowmoon Valley starts at 10.8k xp at level 50 with rested + war mode, and drops down to 8.4k. Probably not going to be very fast after you hit 52. *Edit I brought a different character at level 54 to the area forming a new party and it was getting 10.8k. So not sure why the exp drops.
Why does arathi highlands look nothing like this when I fly to it? I’m not seeing any of these rares and the camps look completely different