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It’s not exactly a Christmas gift but we’re getting a very early preview of the new Trading Post items coming in January!
The article
Coffee With Soul
830AM Tuesday through Thursday
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been to the trade post less then 5 times nothing i care for and nothing i want
passed two months nothing interests me.
omg I will probably get a pet and a mount, but orange IS my color and I want all that too!
a gun in a game that has no gun sounds.
ps the robe they used for that image is the SlaveBreaker Robes, 2 recolors Auchenal Keeper Robe & Steamburst Robe
What a load of shit… every single piece looks terrible. And especially that watch.. who in god’s name needs a watch on their character in this game? Like, how did they come to the conclusion that it would be a good idea to make a watch on a character that you will not be able to see it?
They have so many possibilities and ideas that they can come up with, this is just plain lazy.
It looks like every month the reward and the trading post is worst than the others…
looks like a mount is getting locked in because there are 2 mounts but the monthy gets us a lame ass watch…..and the mounts are 800 each….
Loved this month!
The "I wanna that rifle, but I love the bow I have now" is a pretty fun problem to have, lol.
When you are in the trading post iteslf it does tell you if it is a returning item.
Idk I'm overwhelmed by choices. Might just pick whatever without thinking about it
The Wastewander Trackers Kit should've been the monthly reward and not a shitty watch no one wants even for free.
Damn Wastewander mega nice ! But where is the se of Warrior weapons ?!??
Wastewander set and the Time Marshal's Carbine are my two MUST HAVE items out of those. Not really seeing anything else that peaks my interest. Maybe the scarab mount and the shoes. Otherwise, just not feeling the rest. Just don't fit the headcanon for any of my toons.
Everything is so ugly, ima save some tendies this month
why are they making the things so expensive?
Ok that gown, plus the yellow scarf and yellow gloves are a must for my bronze inspired Drakthyr ❤
That watch is so 'Meh' – if it wasn't for the 12 month achievement reward I wouldn't bother aiming for it.
This month is pretty bad. I do want the mounts and dress but come on, The reward for the month sucks. How does a watch compare to cool mounts and mog sets. A side note, if they are going to keep giving lots of choices we need a way to earn more tender. What is the point of giving so many choices you cannot get.
SOME of the wrist/glove transmogs ARE seperate. When I wear my soiree gloves with my corsage wrist, BOTH show!
OMG please please PLEASE let the witch doctor stuff be a clue that the witch doctor pet is coming sooooooooooon!
all I ever buy is the pet and mount options. I am not a big transmog guy
It does show if it is a returning item in game.
The price increases on the items is really stupid. They need to either put less cool items each month or drop the cost a little. Only being able to buy one or two items tops is fucking stupid.
Oh and that time piece sucks. What a waste of the monthly completion reward. I’d have rather had one of those gear sets instead. Maybe they should start letting us select which item we want to be our completion reward out of all the items offered each month. At least then it wouldn’t feel like wasted time. Last Decembers purple moose sucked too. 😒
Yeah we give you another lame bonus item but we gonna place 100 items inside the post priced 400+ that we know you can't buy UNLESS you buy our token special deal in the in-game shop
fetish back piece and shield, same graphic pretty much….odd the back slot though costs 100 more
1:46 Deff the same model with diff colors as a couple months ago.
2:54 They also mark items that are returning in the in-game trading post.
Decembers store and rewards were absolutely trash and overpriced. The monthly reward was cute but not worth it. These prices are too high, 500 should be the limit.
I’ve been saving up my coins, so that bug is mine!!! Thx for the preview 😁
Disappointing month. Capping the amount of tenders you can earn is the dumbest thing.
Think ill be getting the full set, dress and gun and i dont usually like guns in game get annoying but that looks pretty ba.
Kinda wish they would add new graphics and traders items etc + transmogging to the Season of Discovery. I like to RP and WPvP + the slow pace of the vanilla game but I'd like also enjoy the customization and updated graphics. And SoD kinda would have been good test for that but I do understand some people want to keep the vanilla as vanilla as possible. I'd like to see vanilla mechanics and world updated to 2023 vanity item and graphical wise. Would love to see the new animations etc for vanilla skills and be able to RP better with transmog enabled. Tho I do also want the transmog to be like it used to be = Can't transmog items you cannot wear because of level. But I'd like that every class can transmog any items. If someone wanna be tanky bulky priest then let them, if someone wanna be wearing fishing leather looking gear as a mage then let them or warrior wanna dualwield flowery staves in a pink dress, then let them do so.
why was the orange sleeved shirt labeled as "legs" ?