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Thoughts on the Night Fae rewards?
The most boring one of them all
The mail set is a good look for hunter but not shaman
Gimme gimme gimme Night Fae goodness
thank you
Is it a sponsorship if you’re just shouting out your own content though, your videos are fun to watch, but that is the only annoying thing to me. Haha
Winter's envoy is perfect for my frost mage. So keen for the night fae. Thanks for the video.
Necrolords next, please.
If I have a cloth wearer in the convenant X will I be able to transmog those pieces on a cloth wearer of another convenant?
Could we please get Bastion next?
how long would it take to hit lvl 40 ?
lol this feels like the Hufflepuff of covenants
The pet looks like a old Digimon
Probably going with this one on warrior just because I like the transmog and stuff even when is not bis for warrior
It's a realm of death ruled by the Winter Queen, but it's not very deathly or wintery.
The mail Ardenweald set is the best Hunter set they've added in years.
Amazing video I love you
Everyone is goin night fae u VAIN BEINGS! (myself included)
Druids never use mounts!!! They should just make it so that the mount skin is unlocked as a Travel Form that you can customise into from the Barber shop.
"What's that? You loved timegated content in BFA and want more? I GOT YOU FAM!" – Blizzard….
I think Trootie uses the same skeleton as the Sinister Squashling?
The transmog set is a bit underwhelming compared to other sets, but I'll still choose Night Fae for the lore.
if i had a choice i wouldnt do any of the reown stuff, seems all pointless cept for stamina increase, sux i have to go night fae bc of the ability
That pet is a little palmon
How long does it take to get to Renoun lvl 40?