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World of Warcraft: Plunderstorm is here. No addons, no classes, and a form of PvEvP gameplay that WoW hasn’t seen before. Check back tomorrow: we’ll be posting tips and tricks to help you find success!
I hate pvp in wow, but I am loving this game mode. Really feels like everyone starts at the same place, bit of luck in drops and some skill involved. It's just a shame its a limited time thing. Hoping it just means there will be a different set of rewards/map after that.
I get killed instantly, no matter how good my weapons are or how well I move and dodge. At least in regular pvp I can last a little while, but the instant death is not fun.
No, classles wow is a shit idea.
When they announced SoD I KNEW they were paying attention to Ascension. Which is very fun and like a free PTR for Blizz
BR is slop.
This didn't age well…..
Game mode is great. The silent majority is having a blast while the ur-whiners go on to their next bitching session.
Why is there a WoW event all about not playing WoW? And this isn't classless WoW. It's Fortnite but worse. There also isn't any PvE flexibility because the bloodthirsty hounds will hunt you down to further their own ends. They pitched this like it was going to have something for everyone, but it most certainly does not.
I appreciate the willingness to try new things, but as a currently inactive player, this doesn’t appeal to me at all and even a free weekend wouldn’t entice me to even try it.
Hey old school MMO RP enjoyers, would you like to play fortnight? Maybe give Blizz some of that fornight money? They certainly want you to at Blizz.
Why was this sold as a retail patch for the entirety of the teaser period? What a disappointment
I have been playing it, and I don't like it. For me it is ".. another annoying battle royal game I feel I will have to grind for the mounts…". I know there are going to be people who will enjoy this, good for them. This is PvP. Them trying to lie to us about how it is not or mention PvE is misleading. You are forced to PvP, leave it at that. In all honesty, they are overinflating their player numbers for this game mode simply because of the transmogs and mounts. If they removed those, I guarantee there would be far less players. My biggest complaint is the absolute horrible slog grind it is to go up levels. Let us get through the levels and get the mogs so those of us who don't enjoy this can move on.
500 on avarage? More like 100….
BRs are just not my thing. Its certainly a unique take on the game mode but its harsly enough to get me to come back to wow.
I like the action-rpg feel, wildstar fan here.
But it does come off as a bit janky due to wow engine limitations, in the end if they ever were brave enough to try a action-rpg game I'd be down;
However, I don't think I'd enjoy it on the old wow engine, someday I hope blizzard will pull the trigger and build a new modern engine for a "Wow2" or w.e mmo they have in mind- that is if they wish to truly go down an action-rpg route.
I loved it. I'm super awful at it, haven't managed to actually kill anyone. But it's fun!
Also, im not sure what people in the comments are mad about? Its not a major patch, it was made by a couple people. Nothing is lost.
Crap, just more crap… little fun, way too little.
Honestly, I'm more disappointed this wasn't actually WoW content…and more like WoW-adjacent. I applaud the risk taking and don't want them to stop, but not using my character doesn't really grab me.
It, unfortunately, is unimaginably bad
Most comments are pretty much "omg I wanted more of the same, just raids and dungeons for my more of the same tier. Fuck new stuff being added, also, the game is dying!!!".
This comment section is so depressing, the average retail WoW fan's mindset has devolved into "this new content isn't to my taste/this isn't giving me rewards fast enough, therefore it shouldn't exist". No wonder the game is in such an awful state when the playerbase Blizzard has to cater to are essentially rats in a cage who have a meltdown when their dopamine drip-feeder machine is interrupted.
Next Blizzard will add a Candy Crush mode to World of Warcraft
This will come on console (xbox)… MARK MY WORD
It feels like I'd be playing in the Hunger Games 😂
I am not really into PvP and battle royal never interested me. I am just disappointed that 10.2.6 is just this.
It’s so effing good!
Just wanted to add to the conversation as a LONG time WoW player that hasn’t really been invested in many years…this mode excites me.
It excites me so much i’d love to see them keep this or iterate this as a full game. Think warzone for call of duty. I know yall might not care about a WoW BR but i would personally love that!
This will absolutely earn a 1 month sub from me!
10 – 15 Minutens? More like 20 seconds in most cases. And it's boring to see the most effective counter to any attack is running and jumping in circles as is has been 20 years ago. Very bad gameplay.
Already bored
I like this new game it was fun
.I was just about to unsub. So tired of SoD and finaly this gave me new spirit ❤
The game made me wanna quit, now it makes me wanna hate it!
They will spin it into a game of its own that will also be on console probably before WoW gets ported over. I can't say I mind, as I actually quite enjoy the mode
It's wow pubg plain and simple.
Tried this content today, quite disappointed. Not by needing to gather the plunder, but the way to go about it. I can hardly gather 20-40 plunder without being taken out by much stronger players because the PVP part of it is mandatory. It's like leveling with war mode on, I had hoped the solo content, or the PVE aspect of it, would be a better option. Like with PVP, if you don't have it on they can't attack you. Not going to play this anymore, can't even decently advance in spells before being chased and wiped out by several players at the same time.
I get so triggered, can't stand it
Yeah, im not really enjoying it but ill keep playing for the dang transmogs
I like the tech and systems underlying it, but ultimately if this wasn't at its core a FOMO rep grind, I wouldn't be touching it. Something as simple as a plunder bonus based on your rank would make the grind feel so much better.
Not a bet at all. This is just the precursor to wow mobile. It's where the cash is these days.
Time Limited FOMO turd event.
It's fun lol
Perfect chance to add in plunder isle for the battle royale
I'm in the minority of players that actually enjoy pvp to begin with and I'm not even interested in trying this game mode once.
This game mode would be conveniently good for XBox…
Blunderstorm. Thought that i would atleast be able to stomach it enough to get the rewards, but no 🙁
Once again, Blizzard does the most barebones, joke content and people praise it. Imagine if they actually put effort in.
PvP have been forgotten for so long this is what we needed!!!! So stoked
Why didn't the put their time and effort into creating something people actually wanted..