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#crendor #worldofwarcraft #warcraft
It's probably a hardware cost thing, each server is its own piece of hardware.
Server blades aren't cheap.
Straight back to private servers for most people then lol
I think closing a bunch of low pop servers on retail to create a small handful of varying legacy servers would be awesome
They’re banking on the fomo
Agreed. I wanted classic for TBC. Now it's pointless. idgaf about Cata.
Hey crendor sorry to see your sick with the disease that causes your body to phase in and out of existence, hope you feel better soon
I thought lk classic would always kind of be a thing and they were going to run cata as it's own thing you could copy or transfer a character to. If I knew lk was gone forever, I would have done so much more farming to get things that aren't available… But yet again I didn't have enough time. No different than last time I guess. Just reliving my disappointment in losing the old wow again and it's a bummer. I'm having fun playing right now, but I wish I could have done more in LK classic before losing it entirely
They will probably bring back TBC or Wrath as seasonal servers in the future, either in Classic like Season of Discovery or on Retail like the MoP Remix. The problem with all the different versions of the game we currently have is while the sub count is a decent roughly 8 million, its divided 4 ways between Vanilla Classic, Latest expansion Classic (Cata), Season of Discovery and Retail which does not help the game. Adding dedicated TBC and Wrath servers will only make it worse.
my guess is they are trying to railroad you into retail, they dont care about sod and are trying to get you to go from mop remix to war within. Also classic era had like single digit players when tbc came out so that's why they didn't do tbc, but maybe when they see the demand they'll add it.
We asked about Classic Plus, not Retail Minus
Yeah, the move to Cata classic finally killed my urge to play classic, I can do it on live now, for everything.
Mists of Pandaria Classic! Do it Blizzard!!!
Completely agree. It's such a waste.
In my opinion, you can't call anything post cata "Classic." I feel like the point of classic is to have the world back to pre-cata maps. I don't even play classic, but I feel like Classic Cata just defeats the point of what people wanted.
They could do what EverQuest has been doing: they have some "live" servers, and several progression servers that are started off with the base-game, and every few months they put in the content from another expansions. After a while, it goes into endgame and the characters are converted to a live server.
The early expansions have really unique gameplay styles attached to them. I think it would be really nice to be able to go back and replay these older expansions whenever the desire hits, just like playing an older Pokémon game or something.
Crendor the pointless has a great point!
TBC and Wrath classic phases already lasted way longer than they should have. If you wanted to experience ICC, you had the last seven months to do so.
I thought the whole point of "Classic" was to bring back Vanilla to people who remember playing it and appreciating it. But it all turned into Retail 15 years ago, going full circle again. Did i miss something or did Blizzard not understand what people want?
literally 1 server on US and 1 on EU for each expansion would be so easy for them to do and use a negligible amount of resources.
would they be dead most of the time? yeah, but there would randomly be influxes of players occasionally when a streamer decides to do a fresh play through of an old expansion.
I agree with you. One server pr expansion would probably be enough. At most maybe one pr region pr expansion.
I hated that cata came and took WotLK away from me in 2010 and I am hating that it does it again, 14 years later. Last time I logged onto the classic servers was the day before the cata pre-patch, and I will probably not log in again. It's not "classic" anymore for me.
Imagine still playing Blizzard servers in 2024. lmao
it’s not classic anymore with Cataclysm, bringing cata back is so fucking pointless, it’s what STOPPED classic from brung what it is, and changed everything.
I warned of this with what happened to Vanilla wow but no one cared 🙁
I missed out on both TBC and Wrath classic because real life got in the way, and it's disappointing I won't get the chance to experience the content while it's current.
I don't think Blizzard will hire new teams to keep tabs on 3 different eras of classic servers either (and even if they did, they'd just fire the teams later), so it seems the initial concept of classic is pretty dead.
I remember playing TBC era and then the Announced Wotlk. I was so sad because I never could find any word on if I'd get a paid service to Stay on TBC era. I worked so hard for my gear and it was really fun Pve and PvP. I was also pissed off. I'd log on multiple servers in Major city's Spaming the Community to convince Blizzard to make a permanent server or paid service to stay on TBC era. The people didn't care and were Excited for Wolk and didnt care for TBC. I said if we cant make this Classic TBC era happen then Wotlk will also have to move on.
Now seeing this… I was right. I'm also happy because the morons never listened. Your time in Wrath is over, If you all had listen to convinced TBC era I know for fact that Wraith would have a great chance at staying.
It boggles my mind that they didn't make levels and gear work the way professions now work. Just have a 1-10 level for each expansion and have a separate progression for each expansion for each character. When you move continents your character's level / gear changes. It's so easy. Blizz sitting on their hands.
"You know how Cataclysm was a deeply divisive expansion specifically because of how it removed access to older content? Yeah, let's just do that again. I'm sure it'll be good this time."
100% youre right
Imagine your customer tells you what they want but then you give them something they don’t want. Blizz logic 101
This is ‘you think you do but you don’t’ all over again.
I still say the very concept of "Cataclysm Classic" is stupid. A big part of the point of playing "classic" was to experience the world before all the map changes.
Who could have forseen that a nostalgia cash-grab wouldn't last forever?!!??!!?
the reason they dont is because when they left vanilla servers around not enough people stayed in era. and they dont want to have more clients for each expansion. i personally woulda loved to have perma toons in vanilla tbc and wotlk and bounced between the 3 expansions
This is what made me quit. I didn't want retail+
They've definitely missed a trick with not leaving at least Wrath up, because now you can't explore the old Azeroth in an easier way than vanilla classic.
I don't play wow anymore so I didn't know this. I was sure they had different classic servers for every expansion. I've even entertained the idea of going back to burning crusade cos that's where I started years ago. NVM I guess
I would literally never go offline if they add a TBC server… but nooo its not popular enough
Would totally play TBC. By far my favorite time period for WoW.
I would enjoy that, I hated the fact that Wrath overtook TBC. I wanted to level up and find a guild during that time.
Im lowkey happy TBC and Wrath are not alive, because it gives me a huge FOMO to play all XXX version of wow already haha.
I wanted to make a progression character, play on classic, tbc, wrath and so on, but I asked google and apparently you couldn't transfer character between this servers, so I lost interest
I would actually guess that they might do some SOD TBC/Wrath stuff or just relaunch a TBC/Wrath and sell some Herioc packs at a later point.
I'm glad you talked about this, even if I'm doubtful they'll change their minds
since Classic was first announced, I assumed it would encompass Vanilla, TBC, and Wrath
they made the most sense to fit criteria for Legacy servers, as anything Cataclysm and after is pretty much modern retail, the world change irreversibly, the Vanilla world is the entire appeal for me
Wrath was my favourite era in the game and even though I also play and enjoy modern WoW, I was looking forward to keeping a side character in Classic that would be a little time capsule, where I could revisit the old world for nostalgia's sake
Catalcysm has completely negated any interest I had, and it sucks because I put a lot of work into my Classic character, now it feels like it was a waste as I have no personal motivation to play her again as I have retail Wow already
The absurdity of modern Blizzard. Im glad i stopped playing their shit
I don’t know what are you guys sniffing here but nobody is playing classic server anymore. If you keep adding new servers on top of it you’ll be diluting the already small servers into even smaller bits. Be real. Nobody gives a sht at this point.
Would be great to have TBC & Wrath Era servers – and really like the idea of being able to transfer/copy from one Era server to the next!
They really should have done this. One TBC and 1 Wrath server each. Also, Cata sucks.
fning stupid not playing any more cata sucked panda lamer just gets water down
I think it only exacerbates the issue since Cata is the first expansion where people were like "oh they are ruining the game blah blah blah" so let those people keep playing Wrath and everyone else can move on to Cata. I mean I LOVED Wrath back in the day and was so disappointed when Cata "ruined the world" and so just having the pre-Cata world means something to a lot of people, myself included. Like looking back I do like Cata but I hate that they are just like "eh nobody cares about this now". Like…no we still do.
Giving the choice to go to a Cata server or not would have been the best thing. I didn't get to finish my Weapon Masters.