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One of the hottest topics coming out of BlizzConline 2021 is the unexpected announcement that Blizzard was not planning any more character customization updates in Shadowlands. While the expansion launched with a major overhaul to the character creator and a number of new customizations, not all races received the same level of changes, with Nightbourne being left out in the cold.
#Customzation #WoW #Shadowlands
Beyond happy I’m not the only one who wants fat Goblin customization 😀
I am really upseat about this. No new customizatons is the thing taht sucks the most for me. I want more for our characters.
IT was the only feature I was investet in and now they cut it.
Tauren and Trolls are not winners. It's a good start, but they have so view options. Female Tauren have only 4 face options (I think).
The Art team should for sure focus on customization, only small bits here and there.
Heck they even created a new tree mound because the art time was ahed of their scetual.
Also the subs went down 40% since Blizzcon.
It's a bummer. I and also many other people want more character look options. Height, wight ( a bit) more faces, maybe like in bdo. Would be so cool and the thing is. When you have an individual character that no one looks alike, it's more fun, more rp feeling, that makes the player more connected to the game. More focus on that pls.. But so many guys also only want more content. Then they play the new content in 2 weeks done an then they crying they need more content. And I guess blizz has its focus more on more content not in rp.