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No Tank, No Rogue, No Problem (New RBG Meta?!)
WoW Shadowlands 9.0.5 Arms Warrior PvP
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Music by Berserkyd
Music by Epidemic Sound
World of Warcraft
Join thousands of mighty heroes in Azeroth, a world of magic and limitless adventure.
World of Warcraft (WoW) is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) released in 2004 by Blizzard Entertainment.
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Nice Vídeo! I love u❤
Been watching this dude play for years. My kids have grown up watching him…. he’s the reason I play still, off and on. Warrior too!
Hey Bahjeera would be nice if you posted what you are running in the description of the video. Thanks for making great content I watch you everyday.
Sam is such a troll :-))
what addon does he use to show certain abilties and cooldowns on the right side of his plates ?
Meanwhile in the isle of quel'danas…
Rogue: "maybe you should have chose matching colors if you wanted to win ToS sweet heart" 💅
Have no clue how u can play bgs without battleground target addon
battleground enemies addon is a must have for rbgs
Dude you’re the main reason I switched to playing a warrior , theirs something satisfying about being a warrior and chopping people up, it’s very nostalgic lol
GG bro, I was the rdruid
your a great inspiration to all wars, fury and arms. and fathers . I love the YouTube feed about your kids commenting on how good of a father you are. Good to see that , role model in game and in real life.
Lol top tip is a latex condemn
Really bro playng with healers hah i play warcraft legion on firestrom horde facialha name and i can win 3 healers without healer i can win bg alone rogur rip in 3.2 sec healer 2.4sec tank 5.1sec 😈
aftter reaching support becouse my reports on bots and they still peacefuly farming and unfercuting ah over week after reports from many players blizz conflict each other one is telling me that they are banning bot in waves and the other said that they are banning individually too after 10 tickets i am getting same answers all over again. what do you think about that?
no tank no rog …:D