Nobbel Reacts to: Echoes of Azeroth – 26-08-2024 War Within Release Date

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The next World of Warcraft expansion ‘The War Within” will release on 26-08-2024. Along with that we got a cinematic and in this video I show you my reaction. I hope you’ll enjoy ^_^

Want More Lore?!
The Story of Varok Saurfang:
The Story of Nathanos Blightcaller:
The Light (and Shadow) in World of Warcraft
The Story of Sylvanas Windrunner:

The music in this video is provided royalty free. (Creative Commons License)

Songs:The Path of the Goblin King
Music by:
© 2001-2008 Kevin MacLeod

World of Warcraft® and Blizzard Entertainment®


#Worldofwarcraft #Lore #Story #WoW


49 thoughts on “Nobbel Reacts to: Echoes of Azeroth – 26-08-2024 War Within Release Date”

  1. DAMN, the voice acting on the italian version is SUBERB, so much emotion and character in the voice of Xal'atath — u dont even need to understand the language to really feel that, check it out u'll thank me
    about the line "so long denied me" — this is rendered there as "che mi è stata negata per troppo tempo" = which has been negated~denied to me for far too long", hence unambigeously denied by an external actor.

  2. I've thoguht for a while that the planet would crack like a hatching egg if Azeroth ever woke up. The ring containing it is an interesting thought. The ring is basically the titan prisons from DF. Perhaps all the titan installations were intended to keep Azeroth from awakening? And Xal'atath intends to make it happen?
    Ok super crazy thought. What if nothing is real? I mean, all the cosmic stuff. It's all just parts of Azeroth's mind, dreams, made manifest by her immense power. She wakes up, it all ends. This is like, a third layer to the "war within"

  3. Okay hear me out… what if Xalatath was like the void version of Algalon. A entity sent by the void, after the old gods corrupted, and seizes the soul. Maybe the Old Gods rebelled and captured Xalatath in the blade. Maybe they were hoping on draining Azeroth, it would empower them to challenge the Void Lords

  4. I honestly think THIS should've been the trailer we saw at BlizzCon, and then we could have the "That sword was aimed at someone" trailer now, here. I think that would've worked loads better for hype and for comprehension of what the hell the expansion's about and who the antagonist is

  5. I wonder if the world breaking apart in the title card isn’t just symbolic. Midnight and The Last Titan will be taking us back to the old world, so maybe The War Within will have a huge impact on the old world and we’ll see a Cataclysm-style rework for the Worldsoul saga to go back to.

  6. This may prove to be completely wrong but Dimensisus could have been the harbinger on K'haresh and consuming the World Soul of K'haresh could have been what transformed him into a Void Lord. Since realistically, if the void was trying to corrupt a World Soul, why wouldn't they corrupt K'haresh's World Soul instead of consuming it? Xal'atath could be trying to do the same thing as Dimensius by absorb the power of Azeroth's world soul and ascending into a Void Lord.

  7. My guess is that this saga will be about us losing in some form and WoW 2 will probably come after with possibly Azeroth being a threat and mortals scattered across different worlds

  8. A lot of older vets are kinda peeves they recycled cinematics. But I'm actually wondering if there's a deeper meaning here. I wonder if this is Blizzard actually giving a fuck about new player experience that they would risk dedicating a big piece of this cinematic to a recap for new players coming in.

    Because as a new player, you wouldn't care much about Anduin or Thrall or whatever random bullshit "adventure of the year" they got going on. You'd want to see WARCRAFT itself. The races, the big arcs.

    And that's part of the big appeal the original WoW had. A lot of us came from Warcraft 3, and we got to be "part of that world." A lone dwarf on a mountain with a bear. Or a night elf druid. A blood elf, the dreani. We wouldn't have wanted Anduin giving a speech. We wanted to see the races we love in Warcraft 3, but imagining ourselves as one of them.

    And that's what we got a lot of here. Un-named blank slate characters for a lot of the races.

  9. She is saying the soul has been denied "to" her, as in the titans and whatnot have kept her from it for so long. Pretty sure there isn't much resistance from Azeroth, she's been sleeping a bit while "imprisoned" by the titans

  10. This is getting me hyped way too much 🤪
    About those final seconds…what if, while playing WW, we end up realizing that Azeroth awakening means the end of the planet ergo us. So we, the players end up activating that titan cord to keep the planet from becoming Outland 2.0?
    That would be a plot twist 😂 can’t wait to see where it goes

  11. I would like to believe that Xal'atath is actually a being, fused from the four essences of the Old Gods. Y'shaarj, had a great plan for his eventual defeat and collected the essence of his brothers, enchanting it in his own claw.

  12. The more I see, the more it feels like The Worldsoul Saga is going to destroy Azeroth and send us into WoW2.. finally. Which I for one look forward to, hopefully they'll find a way to make levelling fun.

  13. Whatever the story is, I feel like it's inevitable that the foundational lore we were told between Sargeras and the Titans was not the way things actually went down. Separately, it feels heavily implied that this story is all about the coming together of the Void and the Light. Could Xal and Azeroth be two sides of the same coin? Complete speculation.

  14. We will get a new thundering. The World will break and azeroth will hatch out of the world and maybe we get a complete overhaul of the world or a complete new world in or after the world soul saga, mark my words.

  15. So the void lords sent old gods to give nightmares to world souls, corrupt them with doubt and negativity. But xal'atath I bet is a watcher/keeper working for the void lords themselves. Waiting for the corruption to seep in and usher in the coming.

    I'll bet that's why the imagery changes from a pure golden soul to a blend with blue as…Azeroth suffers from the emerald nightmare and the pain of both Sargeras'/Zovaals' strikes at her.

    She will awaken impure and full of doubt/darkness AND light ..doubt the titans want that

  16. Interesting that she says “will be mine” and not “His” or “ours.” Maybe she is going to pull a Zovaal and claim the world soul for herself rather than Dimensious or the Void.

  17. 11:00 When TWW was announced, there were a bunch of posts of Reddit talking about how the various logos of the Worldsoul Saga expansions (specifically TWW and The Final Titan) looked a LOT like the Titan prisons used to imprison the Primal Aspects. When we see them breaking free in the Vault of the Incarnates finale, people have pointed out that several of those frames look a lot like what we see in the reveal cinematic for TWW: some sort of glowing ball (what we presume is Azeroth's soul) surrounded by spinning Titan rings.

    These are the kind of hints we were looking for back in WoD/Legion, and quite often they ended up going nowhere, but I hope that with success stories like FNAF, devs have realized that there's engagement in speculation, and dropping actual hints gives people stuff to talk about. So I hope they're actually leaning into the ARG-esque elements and it isn't just all presentation.


    We've been told that there is a seventh cosmic power, and we were never told what exactly this force is. This was deliberate, because even the Titan's were uncertain of this seventh force, they learnt of it from the Void Lord, who reside on the outside of the great dark beyond. We learn that the seventh force is consciousness, and every world soul is the engine that births free will. When the Titan's created us, they created us without free will, it wasn't until we received the gift of flesh from the Old Gods that we become conscious and aware. The Old God's stole this power from Azeroth to give to us. The Darkness, The Old Gods and The Void Lords mission is to free all from the slavery of the Titans, so they can prepare all to protect the cosmos from the thing that is to come. Essentially, lore in the a nutshell, Titan's are the bad people trying to enslave all, Void Lord's want to use these world souls so they can awake the cosmos to protect it from the threat coming from the outside, and Xalatath is a world soul trying to save her sister from the titans corruption


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