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I’ve played the Shadowlands beta but some cutscenes were left out until the live version. Some juicy surprised and omg moments followed. Y’all wanted my reactions, here they are. I’ll probably make a more detailed video on some of the questions I’ve got like who is the sister, what’s up with the arbiter and what about the sire but for now…here’s the initial reaction!
Maw 0:00 – 2:39
Arbiter 2:40 – 8:51
Bastion 8:42 – 10:13
Torghast 10:14 – 13:08
Winterqueen 13:09 – 18:31
Revendreth 18:32 – 22:30
No More Lies 22:31 – 44:54
Want More Lore?!
The Story of Queen Azshara:
The Story of Jaina Proudmoore:
The Story of Rexxar:
The Story of The Zandalari:
Intro screen made by Pakulia:
Outro screen made by Whammo:
The music in this video is provided royalty free. (Creative Commons License)
Songs:The Path of the Goblin King
Music by:
© 2001-2008 Kevin MacLeod
World of Warcraft® and Blizzard Entertainment®
Maw 0:00 – 2:39
Arbiter 2:40 – 8:51
Bastion 8:42 – 10:13
Torghast 10:14 – 13:08
Winterqueen 13:09 – 18:31
Revendreth 18:32 – 22:30
No More Lies 22:31 – 44:54
Winter Queen is the sister of Eonar, since Eonar brought Ysera to existance.
I can’t wait to see Sylvanas’s head roll.
i think she was going to say "who we died too"
i was also very confused on the winter queens "sister" the emerald dream is what azeroth is without any old god corruption or sundering at all. This was made by the titans right? Thats why eonar was able to use that power and bless the green dragons. I know it will end up being elune as the sister but i dont know how that works. Unless the titans made elune and shadowlands.
So… Elune set this whole plan in motion?
I'm guessing she was one of the pantheon, and while we havent figured out the Jailer's deal, its looking like Elune came up with the idea of creating a mortal plane in order to set up a life and death cycle. in life we would build anima, and then in death we would have that anima directed to our afterlife empowering the pantheon in order to keep the jailer jailed. when it was decided to put the plan in motion they agreed on one condition, Elune would guard her mortals and make sure their end of the bargain was held, and they would each watch over their realms.
Seems like the jailer believed in a dog eat dog universe where anyone could amass as much anima as they wanted, some would wither and die, some would become as strong or stonger than them. and the rest of the pantheon disagreed choosing to order everything in a certain way to prevent that from happening. the Jailer tried to do things his way, and he was imprisoned for it.
….my 2 cents anyway.
Il'gynoth is not a reliable source of information :/
“ we can’t even choose who we …” Are
She ended up as a banshee.
LOL, ok, I had to, on finishing this video: "imagine you were just given a book, and it told you where you ended up based on how you lived" …L O L. its just funny hearing that, you forget just how religious the US is by comparison, my mom would have an aneurysm if she heard that. She'd smack Nobbel upside the back of the head with her shoe and say "you DO have a book that says that, its called THE BIBLE, and you BEST pick it up and start reading! or it'll tell you the other place yer gunna go!"
So, the Anduin/Sylvanas exchange. Sylvanas says everything is predetermined, yet she's trying to break the cycle. Why would that be determined? Am I thinking too much into it?
And why do I recall the whole "free will" thing from like…Vanilla/TBC undead descriptors. Freaking fascinating
Guys. I cracked it. She was in love with Varian and he died during their battle on the Broken Shore. She is disrupting heaven and hell themselves to atone or get him back.
Some cutscenes are definitely top notch but am I the only one who thinks Jailer, Denathrius and Winter Queen look a bit off in some shots? Not like nightmare fuel anime in-betweens but not quite like their actual model, either. It doesn't ruin the story for me and if they had to rush something, cutscenes aren't bad choice, but just wanted to point that out.
Also, since this is video game world, I guess you could say that everyone would start minmaxing for their afterlife at the moment they learned what's most surefire method to end up where you want. But also we already have so many religions with strict guidelines and they aren't working that well. I mean reading your holy scriptures isn't exactly the same as witnessing with your own eyes how the system work but presumably religious people should believe that the message in those scriptures is just as true.Yet most of the humanity still chooses to do terrible things disregarding those teachings. So unless Azerothians would receive concrete reputation bars for each Covenant and see them changing every time they do anything significant, I doubt that their actions would be altered drastically. It's funny to think that people would form farming communities for their whole lives to get into Ardenweald or start punching literally anything breathing that comes their way to enter Maldraxxus asap but I believe that in reality most would be like "I'll have plenty of time left, I'll just pick some flowers later and I think that's more than enough."
ok everyone is saying argus must of broke the cycle. BUT argus is a titan so we know his soul doesnt go to the shadowlands but guldan (WoD) did die in the legion timeline. Guldan is an orc and they do end up at the shadowlands. We know our world and WoD have an unbreakable connection and WoD guldan died on our azeroth meaning his death should of went to our shadowlands fucking everything up.
We need The Winter Queen and Tyrande to have a conversation. It’ll confirm then 100% if it’s Elune or Eonar.
Yeah, I don’t think people need to worry about Sylvannas ultimately being right. First off, we’ve seen her genuinely enjoy the suffering of others. Second, as Anduin suggests here, there’s no earthly way the Jailer is going to let her reinvent life and death with him, and there’s probably a damn good reason he was “jailed” within the maw in the first place 😂
Eonar made freya who made the emerald dream. Eonar through freya also gave Ysera her aspect power. The winter queen is talking about Eonar. There are far more connections. Elune just purified yseras soul so she would go to the shadowlands and not the void
Sylvanas”how can I convince you”
*100 Porn videos begin being made”
You have failed this city
6:19 what if it was kil'jaeden?? that soul looked red as fire…. i mean sure he is a demon and demon goes to the Nether, but he wasn't a ordinary demon and i think that was his first death, not to mention he used to be a Eredar (aka what Draenei where original) and the way he died was as if he was feeling regrets for his actions, maybe his soul became mortal again and when he died it still had plenty of power from sageras and that is why the arbiter couldn't handdle him.
maybe that is why souls like titans don't go to the arbite because she can't handdle their powers and maybe Kil'jaeden's soul carried with him some of the powers of Sargeras the fallen titan.
My money is also on Elune being Winter queen's sister, since emerald dream is sort of a mirror to the shadowlands, and little feary says "all that is emerals dies with her"
sister elune? idk i think it was eonar, b.c we know that the dragons were given titan powers; she did not say my sister put it here she said its OF my sister. but who knows both are good.also eonar is life. also cernarious went to SL then the dream as well wouldn't the winter queen refuse him? she clearly did not.ima say Eonar but elune would be cool.
I think you are right..I think that pathetic tool nathanos is being tortured like everyone else.
control who we are!
It makes much more sense for Winter Queens sister to be Eonar. They've been building up Elune to be something greater than titans, so why would she be on the same tier as a titan of death? Winter Queen and Eonar are sisters
"we cant even choose who we are" she believes that she was sent to the maw originally because of what arthas forced her to do. she didn't get to choose who she was and how she lived. arthas ripped that away from her and she thinks the things she did when she had no ability to control her own actions are what damned her in the after life
Pretty sure Sylvanas just broke the 4th wall, talking about the story writing team.
So if Nathanos simped for Sylvanas while wanting to believe in her vision even if there could be possible flaws or ways it backfired, then doesn't that mean that Sylvanas simped for the Jailer in wanting to believe in his vision even if that can backfire for her?
I think when she stopped speaking Sylvanas didnt think about Nathanos, but about her sisters. remember the meeting of the 3 sisters in ruined quelthalas during bfa, for a moment she wanted to kill them "to be reunited in death" — but now knowing the Shadowlands, she realized, when they die, they probably will all be in totally different realms and wont see again for all eternity. and THATS what she is mad about, you cant even choose with whom you have to stay, therefore she wants to tear down the whole artificial system (and as a consequence giving the shadowlands back to the jailer who might be its original leader when the maw was its only realm and not so desolated but filled with anima).
She is not angry about being judged by the arbiter and asigned to the maw (which se most probably isnt, her soul got raised by powers of the maw, so she'S tained by its power and automatically sent there without even eveluating her soul; i believe) she was judged all her unlife she is used to that.
Theory about the red soul which damaged the Arbitor:
It was Arthas soul.
Basically the helm of domination and frostmourn were actually tools from the jailer to twist Arthas soul and make his soul this weapon which will damage the arbitor. Only mortal souls are going to the shadowlands as we know and by all means arthas soul was something quite twisted/damaged from a mortals perspective
creation of the lich king was all a long con by the nathrazim
I think the color red you mention is Arthas or Deathwing.
I feel they are trying to pull out a "thanos style" villan
So syl is fighting “fate “ that’s a hard story to tell, and her trying to justify it in that little bit at the end is kind of ridiculous to me lol. “Life isn’t fair so I’m gonna ruin everything.”
I think Sylvanas is going about this all wrong, She wants control, right? But it's foolishness to trust the Jailer, she just needs more power.
For might controls everything and without strength, you can't protect anything…let alone yourself.
Obviously Elune is the Sister spoken of, isn't she? I mean, "her pet"? That's the only Godperson who works with that particular animal, right?
it is xavius's soul that died, it makes sence since it was after yseras death, and xavius is still considered "mortal"
A little note about the free will. She did believe due to the story of WC3, when she broke free from the Lich King's control.