One Of The Best WoW Updates Ever (World of Warcraft)

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The recent WoW update has me playing and enjoying the game more than I have in a long time. These changes to leveling are making me fall back in love with playing the game in a whole new way.

I stream here

There recent WoW Shadowlands pre-patch introduced class overhauls, a level squish, new intro zone, and a revamp to the entire leveling experience. This has made the process and pacing of leveling so fun, I basically haven’t stopped making and leveling new characters.

While we still don’t know how good Shadowlands will be as an expansion, this update has been a big plus in my eyes.

World of Warcraft is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game released in 2004 by Blizzard Entertainment. The game’s eighth expansion, Shadowlands, is set to launch later this year.


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34 thoughts on “One Of The Best WoW Updates Ever (World of Warcraft)”

  1. I played WoW for years, last expansion I played was mists of pandaria. I loved it and had a boatload of fun, and never once played any end content. I can handle dungeon runs but raids are too overwhelming for me. So for me it was always about the process, and never the end goal.

  2. I'm loving this new levelling system and it's because it allows me to explore the World of Warcraft, at my own pace, without restrictions. I'm not motivated by end game content, I'm motivated by my curiosity to explore the world and the stories in it.

  3. This is what will bring me back to wow (I quit playing properley in BC, every expansion since ive lasted about a week without quitting due to the below)

    – Remove EVERY kind of crossrealm / sharding – Just make big static servers.

    – Remove all the teleportation that goes along with dungeon finder and questing. Infact just remove dungeon finder and definately raid finder.

    – Ditch the big "champion" story lines that puts your character at the centre of the game. It literally does the opposite of making the game immersive, its unbeleiveable and makes you feel like your playing tomb raider instead of being part of a large online world.

    – Remove transmog (Although I think a dying system like in diablo 3 would be cool)

    – Bring back the classic looting system and stats.

    – Remove all the automatic leveling you get when you buy an expansion.

    – remove the scaling that mobs do when your in specific zones, mobs should be a static level for everyone no matter what.

    And to be honest, that would do it for me. There is loads of other problems, but if these were fixed I would happily pay £20 a month to play it.

  4. I'm one of the weirdos that have played WOW for years but never raided (except solo after the fact) and I've only run dungeons with others on rare occasions. Leveling and exploration have always been my favorite part.

  5. no no no. I won't go back…. WoW is like the worst abusive relationship youve ever been in. But they keep saying sorry and offering you shinny prizes and you ALWAYS go back….

    Waiting for new pc to come in and off to kill some alliance again…. /Shrug

  6. Slow, bad leveling is exactly why I quit playing The Old Republic. It was just painful. Reasonable time investment with rewarding level ups is just going to be inherently more enjoyable. Especially with something potentially story driven, your leveling shouldn't force you to stop progressing through the story due to needing to grind (again, was a significant issue when I played TOR).

  7. I'd love to play a MMORPG with no level limit, and skill-based PVP, instead of Level/Geard based PVP….

    That old school one, Tibia if I recall, used to be like that some 15 years ago, when I played it. Does anyone know if there's anything "new" and similar out there?

  8. First of all new abilities are ok but the main drive of what made vanila wow leveling feel good was the increased spell power, when it didnt happen automatically and it did affect the speed of casting you felt the change of every new spell tier affect your direct moment to moment gameplay. Now – you dont notice. Then – yea you noticed the fireball now is slower… but when it hits it HITS HARD now AND you got another spell every now and hten to weave in between cooldowns of the now longer taking spells…

  9. You dont need the freedom to level anywhere. it takes away from the decision making where you used to choose between 2 or 3 new zones to go to and when you couldnt get there YET because you were not ready it made the decission matter more. Now its just "whatever dude" go do "whatever" no chronology, no logical scaling, at level 48 you are killing dragons but then you reach 50 in elwyn killing wolves again? Fuck that…

  10. Sounded as a good idea. And then I heard the next update you can get 10 new levels. They're just doing the same thing all over. So it might be fun / better now, but won't take long that the same problems will arise.


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