One Shot EVERYTHING with CONVOKE | Feral 9.2 PVP | Shadowlands March 19, 2022 by GMRolk Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Read more about Shadowlands ➜ Random arena solo queue. Feral Druid – convoke. How to stop him? source
Basically that trinket is a 3 min cooldown that ignores the next 2 interrupts or crowd control effects. You use that then Convoke and the enemy has to use up 3 disables. Most will insta-root, then use a stun. Roots count. Reply
This is not ranked solo shuffled and skirmish i don't think convoke is good in ranked games maybe till 1,8 2k ish then this shit sucks Reply
Lol this game
So how this trinket works?
Keyboard turning backpedaling donkey, why the f is this in my recommendation feed. Yeet
Basically that trinket is a 3 min cooldown that ignores the next 2 interrupts or crowd control effects. You use that then Convoke and the enemy has to use up 3 disables. Most will insta-root, then use a stun. Roots count.
what cr is that?
This is not ranked solo shuffled and skirmish i don't think convoke is good in ranked games maybe till 1,8 2k ish then this shit sucks
4k view for this 😂
Wtf can't believe u Oneshot the full geared profiler skirmish guys ggs!