The HYPE IS REAL! War Within Patch 11.1 Announcement!

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We’ve got the war within patch 11.1 announcement and it is bonkers! On top of the the fact that we are actually going to undermine and we get a raid with Gallywix as the final boss, wow patch 11.1 brings need for speed type racing in the game! We can speculate that wow patch 11.1 release date will be somewhere at the end of February next year but we’re hoping that in a couple of weeks, we will get our hands on patch 11.1 ptr and also, wow player housing is coming to the Midnight expansion. HYPE OR NOT?

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22 thoughts on “The HYPE IS REAL! War Within Patch 11.1 Announcement!”

  1. theres is no hype at all tbh. if they come with playerhousing and do it like a lot of other games did it, its doomed from the get go. ff14 has too few plots so not everyone can have one and eso does it okish but sells the best shit in cash shop. so we already know blizz looked at the 80 bucks mount and saw ppl will buy shit liek this, so why wont they sell the best stuff there too.

    also if this will be anything like wod garrison its dead on the start anyway. im not hyped for anything they announced its also just sad to think the player housign will be the next big major feature in an addon.

    they did too much shit in the last years im not convined they learned anything yet at all

  2. Housing is Garrisons 2.0
    People were whining about people staying g in their garrisons, soooo what exactly will be different this time.. other then maybe some reskinning items. And basic customization

  3. Blizzard putting effort into giving players safe non-combat spaces is the most dismissive move by them for any player that merely asks for them to make content balanced, specs balanced, and efforts to move the game away from requiring players to download an addon that tells them what buttons to press (Hekeli or whatever it's called).

    People are quitting.


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