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OP Arms Warrior Torghast Build (1-Shots Bosses)
WoW Shadowlands 9.0 Gameplay
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What’s a good memory for arms?
I have been steady using you as my arms guru brother!! Im at 53 moving quickly now hahaha. Can't wait to get better gear. My iLvl is only 73 at the moment. Can't wait to be a badass like the God known as Bajheera!!!
I REALLY like Torghast & am having a blast w/ these runs, but I thought I would share a pretty funny build you can play that will help you through some of the tougher bosses 😀
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with tank spec you can solo easy lvl 3 🙂
It feel like diablo 3.
recommended ilvl to solo lvl3? im getting bopped at 170
18k dps lmao
Yeah I normally get a ignore pain buffed then Hopping for a shattering throw or those slam,I hit a 369k shattering throw with only having 1 anima lol
I solo’d all of them at ilvl 175 as arms. If you get the die by the sword pop on ignore pain, it’s super easy.
Oh man… the automatic thumbnail reminds me the old days.
I hit 20k dps on fractured chambers with execute power
what UI mod are you using? it looks neat.
II LOVE my Arms Warrior this Xpac! I went Venthyr and Man Condemn is So Satisfying!
This thumbnail reminded me to get Nice Damage. Thanks bruv
If you talented to Avatar, how do you have 130 rage? The only way to get that that I know of is to talent to Deadly Calm.
Yeah the slam buff is definitely Arm's win condition for higher floors. There's also condemn regardless of health + infinite rage + knockdowns on condemn
Fun tip if you wannt try a fury run sometime, the Pleonexian command, that gives you 5 phantasm every time you use victorius strike on a target, ya turns out the Meatcleaver effect from whirlwind makes that hit al the extra targets aswell, you can do the math for yourself on how that will stack up.
Hey man I just started wow December 1st how do I get the squares for party list (top left) and damage meter
Baj how you get 10 sec of recklessness? That is legendary or what? I did the dog boss but the adds kills me all time
Makes me wanna get my warrior to 60 man