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As the Incarnates seek an edge in their campaign against the Dragon Aspects, the path to Neltharion’s laboratory is revealed beneath the Dragon Isles.
World of Warcraft: Dragonflight – Embers of Neltharion launches May 2, 2023 PDT.
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Is that Shikaar Matt Mercer?
Tony Todd's voice is just….❤🔥
Bfa cinematic are way better
That flame guy went full Hiroshima on that laboratory 👌😂
Protoss in wow
RIP random centaur scout 🥲
Fyrakk Junkrat Overwatch crossover when
remember when blizzard used to make actual cinematics and not just this junk
Remember when wow villains were actually cool
Can you bring back wow clones level 60 please
The are is great, the writing has been horrible since Cata.
"…for thousands of years" & "…who stands in our way…" must be the two most overused lines…
Do you know the way?
Cringe, imagine playing this manual transmission garbage
Wow so original… lame storytelling and cartoon graphics 🤮 Is Blizzard catering to preschoolers these days?
The flame dude is so wicked ! Sweet stuff!
Orc: 480P
Villain: 1080P
Yeah, this doesn't even look like Warcraft. You've killed it.
Аспекты глухие наверно если не услышали это
Animation is Sub-par.
With it being 2023 it shouldnt look like the early 2000's . Multi million dollar Company and this is what they produced.? Any one thats saying this is good either is WoW Employee's or just plain Simps.
but vyranoth is also can control water and ice sonce she is the primal incarnate of water.
This makes me super excited to level my warlock in Classic!
Man, blizzard's cinimatic quality has really dropped since WC3
Anyone else get major Starscream vibes from Fyrakk?
"wOaH bRo ThE aRt tEaM rEaLLy cARrYINg bLizZaRD"
/sit "waiting room" – official classic hardcore servers
Cool style. Anybody know what 3d software they used?
is this garbage still breathing?
The 3D model recalls my memory of Night Fae and Necrolord..
Here we go… the scuffed Deathwing XD
Proto drakes look so dumb with their tiny wittle arms
It's 2023, youtube has had 4K for years now Blizzard…
Do you know da wey?
ik the voice of the shikaar soldier in the beginning but totally forgot the name can someone help me refresh my memory?
If those guys are Storytellers, I'm Batman! Terrible Writing!
Ppl still play wow in 2023 thats tragic
Uh yeah, who is the elders that irodrIridikron requests fyrakk to awaken?
What even are these creatures?
This is the 666°
Comment of this comments list.
The 3 dragons are the New World order
This now feels like those new disney movies
They should of renamed this to Neltherions Daddy issues.