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Overcome the frigid terror with Shadow of the Frozen Throne, our collab with World of Warcraft.
Play our limited-time event and earn special rewards, now until July 26th!
#Diablo #Gaming #MobileGaming #WorldOfWarcraft
Does anyone else think its a joke how diablo got a frostmourne replica before any wow player?
so they are giving frostmourne, but not deathknight armor?
This event was extremely disappointing. 30 mins and you’re done. No reason to even keep participating in the event.
Tft devs spinning in grave
please pourchasse something to get a portal greedy compagny
Succeeding you, Father
Todos queremos mas de este evento algo con lore o skin, o mapas tematicos de wow en diablo inmortal 😭😭
Ok i liked
Just a hidden ad. Seriously. A great reminder to block this.
imagine spending money in this game
Wait what so u get new skills to xo
i love it… blizzard❄️❄️❄️