Outlaw Rogue in Shadowlands | Changes & Tips

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Hey guys we talk about all the changes coming to Outlaw Rogue in Shadowlands. How this spec feels, what covenant abilities synergize well with it, and what you should expect come Shadowlands!

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9 thoughts on “Outlaw Rogue in Shadowlands | Changes & Tips”

  1. Sorry to hear you don't like the revamp. Gotta say though, as someone who liked Combat spec back in MoP and WoD, I've been enjoying it a ton my self in the pre-patch. it feels like combat again. Roll the Bones doesn't feel like a burden now that it doesn't cost combo points and I feel no pressure to reroll. I had some boss fights in BFA where it felt like reroll was all I did.

    Granted, this is just pre-patch talk. Things could always change at 60 but I'm also not going Maldraxxus.

    Great video though!

  2. My least favourite thing about the change is if you are about to pull, have Slice and Dice up and go to roll the bones and someone says "WAIT!" for whatever reason and your Roll the Bones drops off it really hurts to slooowly get it back on CD before you can use it again and finally get back up to speed. Or if you die on a bunch of mobs after popping Roll the Bones and it being on cooldown still. It sounds like a niche thing but in practice it does actually happen, especially if you're in a pug with a tank that doesn't do a normal route. I have found it more inconsistent too as overall has varied by up to almost 2k and don't get me started on ending up with 5+ minutes on Slice and Dice because I kept getting Grand Melee.

    Its still a fun spec but I do miss being able to do a huge pull and pop everything with Blood of the Enemy up, hopefully the style of gameplay in SL will continue to focus around smaller pulls and more difficult, hard hitting packs so the spec still feels like it suits the content.


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